The odds are ever in my favor.
I typically consider myself a pretty lucky girl. It’s going to sound hippy dippy, but I really do feel like the Universe “has my back.” I’ve learned with old age–I’m over 40 now–not to stress to hard about the things I can’t control because I truly feel that things happen for a reason. I’ve spent a large chunk of my adult life in the Plastic Surgery industry. It is an industry that I left for about five years, but one that I hold a passion for, and so every moment of the past five years, I’ve been hoping to get back into the industry. When I left, I honestly didn’t realize how much I would miss it. Alas, I did.
On January 26th, I received a call from a woman whom we’ll call “Hayley”. I had applied for a Practice Management position with a new start-up aesthetic practice. I start-up practices!!! We was a consultant working for the practice, and we completed a brief phone screen. She left me with the promise that she was definitely going to recommend me for the next steps of the recruitment phase. I didn’t allow myself to get excited because I’ve been down this road before, gotten my hopes up, and been sorely disappointed.
Six days later, I received a call from a woman we’ll call “Maria.” Maria was inviting me to come in to the practice and interview in person with the four owners. I was elated. Long story short, I interviewed with 3 of the 4 owners, and it went great. Less than a week later, I had an offer, but I was dejected. You see…in all of my previous experience, I had had the “Do Your Homework!!!” philosophy drummed into my brain. If he wasn’t a “Board Certified Plastic Surgeon,” then he wasn’t qualified to be doing to procedures he was performing. This practice didn’t have a BC PS, and I almost didn’t take the position–even though the results that this doc was getting were excellent. He had done over 100 cases, with ZERO bad outcomes.
Was everything I had been brainwashed to believe wrong? No. It wasn’t wrong. It just wasn’t black and white.
A good friend of mine sat me down and convinced me that I would be an idiot not to take the position. She said, “Mindy…you are an amazing practice manager! This is the industry you’re passionate about, and you’ve been dying to get back into it. They want you to come in and make this the best practice it can be. If that means, getting in there, getting them up to speed on compliance, organization, and operational efficiency, then THAT’S what you go in and do. The physician component will work itself out.” This friend always has a way of opening my eyes, and for that I am ever grateful.
So, I did it. I bit the bullet. I accepted the position. BEST THING I EVER DID!
Here I am, three months later, and I still think it was the best decision I could have ever made. And the physician component is working itself out. So, yeah, I guess the Universe DOES have my back. Never doubt that the Universe has your back. Things will always work themselves out the way that they are supposed to–even if you don’t initially agree with the course of action that it brings. Just trust it.