Suvey for me too (Wrote Entry 1 page bk)
Survey Time
I love a survey. Here we go:
Would you like living on the coast?
I use to live on the California coast for years mostly San Luis Obispo and then down near LA I miss it everyday….Someday sooner then later I’ll move to Clearwater, FL with my sis….
Does your life tend to get better, worse, or stay the same?
It depends, I feellike my life is a washer somedays its a small load I can handle and others its stuck on spin!
Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
I had to think about this one….I guess a city bus but only cause I was to drunk to get off and walk lol Ol’ the good old days….
Is it easy to make you angry?
Depends I can get angry fast if someone starts crap with me first or says shit about my mum, dad or sisters I don’t like….I can talk crap about them but no random peeps….
What do you consider a waste of time?
Easy! Going to the bathroom in the middle of the night!
Do you prefer Cats or Dogs?
Dog cause kitty’s make me itch and drives me nose crazy!
Do you wear hats often?
I love hats in the winter time!
The phone rings. Who do you want it to be?
My sister Shannon, I love talking to her b/c we are bffs!
Last time you got your picture taken by a professional photographer?
High School
Do you have freckles?
Yes, and sometimes I do more fake ones across my nose cause their cute….
Would you kill someone out of self defense?
What? I guess so if I had too
Do you ever play board games or other non-computer games? Got any favorites?
I do love playing my SPN games….
What’s something about adult life you were never warned of or prepared for?
lol I feel like the whole bloody mess! I was an Army brat but once my daddy passed away, I think I got lost and I’ve never been found….
Who do you live with?
My mum, aunt (Mum Sis) my uncle and Poppy my pup!
What is the weirdest food you have ever eaten?
I love peanut better and pickle beacon sammies!
Peanut butter and pickles and bacon? O.M.G. *falls over*
@juliebear lol it’s so good!
@mermywinchester Niiiiiiice!
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