Much better! 

I have an entry up that will explain everything… if that is even possible…?
I had a good to excellent day, tomorrow I have my bath, and Karen my Avon rep comes with the gifts for Bees. Then, later on, we are treating her to dinner at Wimpy’s 50’s & 60’s Diner. She can have anything she wants. I love that kid.
So content now.
I am glad that you are in a better mood. I hope you have a good time celebrating Bees birthday.
@heffay Ty love.
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Gratefully, things are better!
@sunshinelollipops You know it!
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Content is good!! Glad your mood is better.
@caria Everything is copacetic.
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Glad things are better!!
@novembercirese Merci mon amie!
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A 50’s & 60’s diner sounds so good!
@kotila IKR?
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in joy the dinner
@ihavenoarms Yupp. TY Todd.
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