busy day damn it
i’m hot!!!!
i just finished mopping and cleaning and scrubbing and UGHING.
today has been weird and busy.
but that’s ok.
I’m way too addicted to Facebook applications, and it’s scary.
I had some really AMAAAAAAZING sex this morning.
i’ll talk about that later.
as always.
and now i think i’m gonna lay down.
the social worker is scheduled to be here in about 2 hours, but i’m gonna guess she’ll be early or late, so i want to rest and then get competely ready in ike 40 minutes or so.
so that’s the hussle. i hope to be back later.
hope everyone is having a great Friday!
Leave it to you to mention some amazing sex entries… This really should be rated X^4 Anyhow… Every tough day =’s to a decent enough night…. I think.
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I am addicted to the apps too. Although, I havent seen my farm in a few day.
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good luck with the social worker! <3 keep us updated!
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Facebook blargh.
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Good luck with the social worker!
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good luck darlin.
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Hope everything goes well w/ the social worker! I’m really keeping my fingers crossed for you guys. I don’t want him to have to go back to psycho mama… ugh!
Yay for amaaaaaaazing sex. Always a plus!!! xoxo<3
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Good luck with it all… and they are notorious for being late or early… never on time. I remember once one stopped by unannounced and I knew my house was a disaster so I told her that we’d have to chat later, that I was on my way to pick up my kids (not true, they were at my inlaws)…. *wanders off mid note*
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ryn: HOT HOT HOT boy! lol.
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soooooo…… when are we getting the details?
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I’m weird in that I love cleaning my house but I hate when I HAVE to clean it because someone is coming over.
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I had to force myself to NOT facebook… so much… this weekend.
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