A clipping of mine…

Here is what I sound like. 🙂 I took this from Vocaroo. I got my iPad working! My email address is jedibumblebee@icloud.com if you want to ever Facetime me lol… just remember to remind that you are from OD bc I’m stupid af sometimes. (lol)
I’m hungry. We are having Jamaican jerk chicken, rice and veggies. Yum!!
I kinda cut off Leo’s head in the featured image.. oops?
Here is my GNJ if you are interested: https://app.goodnightjournal.com/author/degeneratethefaithful
Nice to hear your voice snd from what I can see of Leo – CUTE!!!!!!
@wildrose_2 Aww.. ty!! 😀
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I had bunnies growing up. They’re more loveable than people think and so fragile too! Leo is adorable!
@ostara ♥ bun buns. 🙂 TY He is my sucky baby. 🙂
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