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My journey so far

May 18, 2019
I  claimed I would write in my diary daily, maybe that was a bit ambitious despite my love for writing as a means of self-expression and therapy. Today has been one of the best days of my life. I understand the sense of the phrase '' Happiness is in the simple things ". Actually as…
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Recent Entries

  • Things are flat
    May 5, 2019
    I'm having what I call a flat day. Emotions are flat, mood is flat, nothing special to do, all is flat. My Mum and her partner Pat ( short for Patricia ) were here from Thursday to Sunday and have just left. For some reason my Mum's GP has put her on one of my…
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  • Mother Nature & Me
    May 1, 2019 The only times I can remember feeling happiness are moments spent close to nature. Blending in with natural elements around me. A lonely walk around a beautiful lake is never lonely. Stop to lay in the grass for a few hours, fall asleep on a river bank ...
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  • Ordinary day
    May 1, 2019
    Today is just an ordinary day. I woke up at 9.30am, had a large cup of strong coffee as usual accompanied by a cigarette dressed in just my boxer shorts. 10.30am I jump on the bus, on my way to the job centre for a work search assessment by my work coach. Smoked a cig…
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  • Learning to live again, baby steps…
    April 30, 2019
    After growing up in France for the best part of my life, I decided for the second time to return to England to '' turn my life around ". After dumping my long time poisonous and destructive relationship, I decided to make the move at the end of August 2018. I had been addicted to…
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