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Short and Sweet

February 15, 2025
It's been a while since I have posted. I don't know if I will keep this subscription. I have had this diary for so long yet I forget to write in it... Our daughter is graduating in May and will also turn 18 this year. The time has gone by so quickly. She is not…
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Recent Entries

  • Life and Goals
    May 4, 2022
    Well as of Friday April 29th I made my last car payment. It felt EXTREMELY nice to have that all paid off. We got it paid off a few months early, I wish it was paid off sooner than we got it but that's alright at least it's done now. Now we have to work…
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  • Updating After A Year
    April 6, 2022
    I haven't been on here for a while. I've thought about it but never actually sat down and took the time. I don't even know where to begin because it's been over a year since I've been on. I've taken a break from baking. I got overwhelmed doing it all on my own and needed…
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  • Is becoming a Baker in my future???
    October 24, 2020
    I don't update as much as I should but I always think that I should sit down and put my thoughts down and never get a chance because I should be doing something else instead... I LOVE to bake and lately I have been looking up different recipes to try and just go outside of…
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  • Update on Life
    May 3, 2020
    I have been wanting to write an entry for a long time, I have never just really had the alone time to sit and think about what I want to write and when I do it gets too late at night and I don't want to breakout my computer because it has issues and it's…
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  • Deja Vu… is it 2012 again?
    January 8, 2020
    Wellllll once again we are dealing with my loser sister in law using drugs. There was a big blowout on Christmas. That day is my husbands birthday and also our niece (her daughter’s birthday) she told my husband to f-off and hung up on him ON HIS BIRTHDAY. All because Christmas was being held at&...
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  • I don’t know…
    December 14, 2019
    I don’t know what I am doing in life. I will be turning my mid 30’s next year and part of me still wants to work on that associate of arts degree and the other part thinks that I will be too old when I finally graduate because I only take a couple of classes…
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  • Update
    September 22, 2019
    I haven't written in a while, I always think about it and then get busy with something else and never end up doing it... We went to Greece in June and it was AH-MAZING!!! I got to meet my family that we still have over there and they were so wonderful, so amazing, so sweet!!!…
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  • Catching Up
    February 28, 2019
    I finally decided to stop procrastinating and log on and now I just don't feel like writing... All of the things I wanted to say I don't feel in the mood to say anymore but, I haven't been on here since before Christmas so here goes... Christmas went alright, we just mostly did snack stuff instea...
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  • I can do this…
    November 27, 2018
    So I only have like 3 weeks left of school and then I am DONE for the semester. (and possibly for good) I just don't know what the heck I want to do and my Career and Life Planning class is NOT helping in that decision. I am just so burned out at this point…
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