High heels. Knee-length skirts. A weakness for cashmere sweaters. Sometimes straight-haired, sometimes curly ringlets. No umbrella in the rain. Green eyes. Hair of indeterminate color. Workaholic tendencies. Lover of pastels. Too much black clothing. Downtown girl. Quite tall. Optimist with an evil streak. Constantly in search of her next best meal. Overuser of hyphenated words. Loves frou-frou cocktails. New Yorker. Pleasure-seeker. Mean British accent when intoxicated.

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Swimming with Penguins

May 14, 2018
This is a re-post from the other place, for those who wouldn't have seen it there.  The idea of summarizing the last 4 years here is exhausting to me but here are the last 4 months at least: Work trip after Hong Kong (first weekend of February), got back just in time for US National…
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Recent Entries

  • Placidly, Amidst the Noise & the Haste
    March 28, 2018
    In some ways, my life has completely changed since I last wrote here.  In other ways, it's exactly the same. I still work too much.  I don't sleep enough.  I still live in my tiny perfect nest in New York City. But I've been around the world since 2014, literally and figuratively.  All seven cont...
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  • Not With a Bang but a Whimper
    January 26, 2014
    I know in the grand scheme of things, this is small potatoes.  A website, shutting down.  Two thousand miles away, the closing of a window. But I'm crying right now.  For better or for worse, I would not be the person I am today without OD. And all of you. See you on Prosebox. This...
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  • Friends with the Monster
    December 1, 2013
    And so it ends...another year's busiest time wrapped up.  Goodbye to working until midnight, no more late nights, or early mornings, huzzah!   The last week was a doozy working around the clock, doing a marathon without having trained (do not recommend), attending a gala the next day, t...
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  • Haarlem Line
    October 30, 2013
    7:07am and I'm on the 5:55am Harlem Line train from Grand Central Terminal to New Haven. Two hour train ride and it seems like there is a stop every three minutes. It's still dark out which is kind of depressing. I prefer the Hudson Line, traveling upstate with the River on my right. The Hudson&h...
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  • Uncorked
    October 19, 2013
    Last Tuesday I did not go to the gym.  I worked until 9pm, then met up with S for sushi straight from work.  I had a miso soup and all the sashimi in the joint.  Tuna, hamachi, salmon...yum.  Our local sushi spot does these glasses of cold sake...like a wine glass filled ...
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  • City of Dreams, Goals, Love & Hoes.
    October 14, 2013
    October is FLYING by!  I last updated mid-day on S's birthday - after work we met up around 8pm for drinks, hit a couple of local spots, then went up to cheer Diana Nyad before crashing too hard.  S loved his gifts - he is a big Buffalo Bills football team so I had one…
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  • Remember Me To Herald Square
    October 8, 2013
     It's been a while since I wrote about day to day happenings.  Too long to go back and try and get everything, so I'll start with mid-September and go from there. A couple of weekends ago I went to Palm Beach Florida to visit my parents from Thursday to Saturday after what was already a…
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  • You Better Work Bitch
    October 1, 2013
    Sometimes (often) I wonder how I got here.  How many people get to live the life they dreamed of when they were eight years old? When I was small, I pictured city lights, skyscapers, freedom.  Interesting work, travel, and I figured I'd have boyfriends but I don't think I even dared to ...
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  • Shining Beacon (1776 Feet)
    September 10, 2013
    Today is never a day I look forward to, and to be honest, I think I go into a funk for about two weeks beforehand each year.   I rose early, put dishes away, brushed teeth, showered, lotioned, and dressed carefully.  Black shift dress, silk scarf, ballet flats.  Packed lunch (lefto...
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