The Cooke Legacy 0.1 – When it rains, it pours…

And both of my sims Leigh-Anne in the foreground, and Julien in the background, love playing in water in a t-storm… ಠ_ಠ Don’t ask why though. That’s Maxis logic for you.
Julien is a cook obviously, bc his bio says so… and it happens that Leigh loves black haired cooks! Yay! When I was making her in CAS, I had Julien in mind for her hubs.
They got along famously…
As Jase Robertson so aptly put it, “There’s no need to hunt, you’ve already trapped my heart”
They fell hard for each other. <3
Forgot the fuzz but Julien looks a million times better.
They had a set of fraternal twins! Woohoo!
Frankly I am picking Soren as the heir bc he looks like a young Nick Carter…
Love him!
So.. watch this space beloveds.
Is this Sims 4? I used to be a huge Simmer back in the day. I miss it so bad. I would sit and play all day and night downloading installing etc… Sims 3 was my favorite going on safari and bringing back artifacts. I bought a laptop just for the use to play games and maybe start writing. I dont know. I was told I have to buy an external hard drive for my sims though. I miss them so much! Is that weird?
Have a good day!
@alluringnorthernbeauty love it!! i will look!!
@justholli1972 And if your computer can hack it:
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You change diaries like I change clothes!! Glad you friended me!!
@novembercirese gigglesnort Ikr?
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