I have discovered my latest talent. NoLimitations February 28, 2022 I am an aspiring dancer now: that is what Just Dance 2020 tells me. We B Crazy busy around here and I have been struggling to get physical activity back into my routine. The Yoga mat made it into the house, and I paid the $12 for a year membership for online classes, thanks Groupon.…
Good early morning… Sammy Westner April 6, 2021 So, I am awake at 2a. They say waking up at this time means someone or something is watching you... I'm not paranoid or anything... just sayin'. I'm going to go to the loo and then hit the hay... or whatever. Ry isn't working here anymore as a home operator. That is sad but inevitable. He…
From Kate via FB Teh Little Avocado June 6, 2020 @katep [embed]https://youtu.be/fDWFVI8PQOI[/embed] Now that song is in my head!!! LOL