Hi everyone. You've stumbled upon what I hope you will eventually find to be  an interesting combination of wit, fangirling, and serious discussions. 
My name is Heather. I live in Sunny Florida with my parents, 2 hermit crabs and a sneaky guilt tripping cat named Sandy.

Within you will find things about my chronic condition known as Cerebral Palsy, Writing, Crafting, Reading, and various other types of hobbies as well as the occasional rant, review, or just general day to day stuff as I think of things.  

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First Draft for Capstone

September 19, 2018
(This is a rough draft of a story I am working on as a part of my last class from Coursera. It is long, and for that, I apologize.  Let me know what you think. Specifically where I could add more detail)    “Two straight lines, please. That’s it. Thank you.” The stern looking woman…
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Recent Entries

  • Returning to the Outside World
    September 13, 2018
    One of the worst things about my anxiety and finding out devestating news is that I tend to shut down and go inside myself, and avoid others.  That's been my life for the last two days. I've been online, and talked to people there, but the very idea of dealing with other people while I…
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  • The Fight Begins
    September 9, 2018
    Tomorrow Daddy C begins chemotherapy.  I am having a lot of thoughts about it.  Will he look different  as a result of the chemo? They are using a drug that supposedly doesn't cause hair loss,  but there is no promise of other side effects I've heard of not showing up. Got paid for two of…
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  • Update on Dad
    September 7, 2018
    So they've done some testing on his cancer, and it is in Stage 2. It is incurable, but it is manageable.  He had a PET scan on Thursday, and a  bone marrow biopsy today. The next few weeks are going to be hectic, and uncertain. Life has been chaotic the last few days, but we…
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  • The Ugly C-word
    September 3, 2018
    The word Cancer has always been scary to me. I've lost a lot of family to it.  Most of these were extended family.  But now.  Now its in my immediate  family.  My stepfather...  no.  My Dad  has recently been diagnosed with mantle cell lymphoma.   We don't know what the steps  are next.  He sees ...
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  • Musings
    August 18, 2018
    Musings. I have lots of them. I don't know exactly where to begin, and I can't promise any of them are going to make sense. But I feel like I need to make a record. Two days ago, my mother informed me that the doctors found that my stepfather's got a swollen lymph node on his…
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  • Dog Sitting Week 2
    August 13, 2018
    I am embarking on my second week of dog sitting. I am wrapping up one job today, and am continuing my second job. The first job has been great. It's basically just letting the dogs out and keeping them company during the day until about 5:30. (I've been leaving a little after 5 because my…
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  • Dog Sitting and Other Things
    August 8, 2018
    Yesterday started my 2 weeks of dog sitting. I'm so excited because this means $$.  With me having overpaid on my bills this month,  I'm already down to 14.00 for the month.  All but 80.00 of what I'm earning is going straight into the bank because I need to be able to cover the last…
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  • Random Thoughts in My Head
    August 4, 2018
    So I've been great. I haven't been on here lately. I've been on the computer, but just not on here. Been working really hard on my courses. I'm also back at the library, doing volunteer work, although this week was a total bust I had my follow up with my doctor yesterday. She was happy…
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  • Oh Man….Where to Start?
    July 28, 2018
    I haven't been on here in a while. There's a good reason for it. I've been dealing with a lot of crap both physically and emotionally.  Physically, I am struggling so much with this whole Diabetes things. From trying to navigate how to use the meter and strips to having to start my log all…
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