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Omaha once

April 28, 2020
I was in Omaha once. My husband and I had come to a housewarming party his old highschool girl friend was having. She was also his current girlfriend. She wore blue eyeshadow and she had another boyfriend who sang country music. She had a vibrating recliner and a lot of friends. One of her friend...
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Recent Entries

  • Today is tomorrow’s yesterday
    April 27, 2020
      Pic above is old and perhaps has been posted before.   In a way it's picture of me and I will leave it there.   I like books and book shelves and long leggy geraniums that have lived with me forever.   Today was warm.   I was outside a little bit but not…
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  • Theme of the Week 74 – What is the next thing you would like to learn?
    April 24, 2020
    Two things: Where is my phone?  I have a white plastic wireless wall phone.   I often have it on my kitchen table by my computer so I can deal with telemarketers without having to get up.  I usually make sure it is 'hung up' to recharge before I go to bed.  This morning it…
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  • I don’t come here often
    April 20, 2020
    The picture is not of my house.   It's someone else's.   I do not have permission to post it.  I hope no one finds out.   I hope if they do they don't care.   It's a bit symbolic though.  Of confinement, of waiting, of isolation.   We are in a tiny bit of…
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  • Sunday – two month old entry – recovered!@!!
    April 20, 2020
    There is a cat looking out the window.  I wish I looked happier.  I am happier.  Happier than usual.   Sunday afternoon.   Almost to the middle of February.  Snow is coming down lightly.  We've had a bunch of cold but today is moderate.   I sit at my mother's formica table.   Where I've...
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  • First footing – a little late
    January 8, 2019
    Just a few lines.  I'm handicapped.  I can't write in both places (very well) and I can't just copy from one place to the other.  So it's like I'm missing a leg or a half the keys on my keyboard or something.  I love this place and I love the other place and I love…
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  • Links through time and the net
    January 2, 2019
    I follow Howard Dean on twitter.  He is the medical doctor who was governor of Vermont in the early 2000s and who ran for president in 2004.  He is the man  who famously lost the Iowa caucus and made a hysterical speech acknowledging the loss.  The video clips that were universally shown destroye...
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  • Two ways of looking at it
    January 1, 2019
    Dreams (inspired very loosely by The Christmas Carol)   Christmas past.   Midnight Mass Church crowded with people home for the holidays. Squashed against a woman in a fur coat who smelled like onions. Traditional carols stretching across the length of the church, from balcony to altar....
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  • Ancient Orchids – etc.
    July 10, 2018
    (photo from Minnesota State Fair several years ago)   Just a test.  My entries don't seem to be showing up on the front page. Thought I'd try one more time.   Later - Just a thought - maybe our OWN entries don't show up on the front page.  Do you see your own entries there? …
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  • Now
    July 7, 2018
        Today is July 7, 2018.  Saturday.  Later afternoon. On the deck, warm/cool/slight breeze. A few minutes before the gnats come.   I see: sunlight on the stout textured trunk of the younger walnut breeze bringing all sorts of leaves to life my prized begonia in perfect red/pink b...
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