How thought provoking a word heard, seen or uttered can be. How imaginative it is to create a tome of epic proportions that you are left with wanting more and more and more. I crave words. Well no, that's not exactly correct, is it? I am ADDICTED to words. Their flow. The joining together.
Words that make the eyes widen; or the mouth drop open or close with a snap.. Words that leave a bad taste in the mouth or an unreadable expression on your features. Words that cause the pulse to race and the heart to beat faster. Words that have you catching your breath or gasping for air.
But most important to me, are the words that leave you with your own interpretation of what was written.
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Recent Entries
March 4, 2018
Conclusions: the close or last part; the end or finish. the result or outcome of an act or process. a judgment or decision reached after deliberation. a final arrangement or settlement, as of a treaty. logic. the proposition that must follow from the major and minor premises in a syllogism. the p...Continue Reading... -
Pointed Aspects
March 3, 2018
Losing touch isn't such a bad thing. Or perhaps more appropriate would be out of synch. I’m not sure what you call it, or even if there's a name or label for it. It’s one of those sensations that is hard to describe; harder still to identify, and at times, slightly difficult to pull yourself…Continue Reading... -
Deep See
March 2, 2018
A little deep-see Numerous times I've wondered where I would have ended at this very moment in time, if choices; decisions; behavior and, predictability, had all been different. There are those that have very, very strong personalities and convictions and loyalties, among other attributes and/or ...Continue Reading... -
Interesting… or not
February 28, 2018
It's been years since I've really sat down to "write" anything of depth. These past few entries have been drudged up from the past. Back in the day, some would call it. Perhaps even a past life? No... a former semblance of who I am today. I know I posted recently that we all change.…Continue Reading... -
Down a Dusty Road
February 26, 2018
She is caught in the middle or so it seems to her. Seeing the one in the distance behind her, feeling the presence of another in front of her. Yet she still continues to move ahead, away from one and to the other. Trepidation with each step taken, heart beating wildly in her chest. Foolish…Continue Reading... -
Matter to Comprehend
February 25, 2018
The mind is nothing without matter to comprehend... solidity in forming... what? Conclusions? If thoughts were colors... besides the black thoughts and the red raged thoughts... what would they be? Bright? Pastel... I think both... sometimes a stark contrast even to what i might be thinking... h...Continue Reading... -
Books feed the mind. So does writing.
February 24, 2018
Books are food for the mind, and at times, for the soul as well. More often than not books brought comfort to me. From the time I began 'getting' into reading, which was way back before Junior High School, I cannot recall a time when there wasn't a book, or two, that was being read.…Continue Reading... -
Masks — My Interpretation
February 22, 2018
Masks... hiding reflections perhaps of sorrowful soul that weeps Silence that is overloud permeated with the echoing of those who mourn Weakening of the mind on it’s many twists and turns Watching as innocence takes flight beyond the reach of arms that would gather Gathering the strength with whi...Continue Reading... -
Anomalies and Expectations
February 19, 2018
pl. a·nom·a·lies Deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form, or rule. One that is peculiar, irregular, abnormal, or difficult to classify. ex·pec·ta·tion The act of expecting. Eager anticipation: eyes shining with expectation. The state of being expected. Something expe...Continue Reading...
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