Greatly enjoyed the original OD and made some good friends. I am a tad adrift right now in a very uncertain world and thought what the heck. Let's write again.

Having said that, and I hate to be negative but these times are weird, so here is my disclaimer. My diary, my thoughts. Not here to debate. If you don't want to read the thoughts of a scientist that values inconvenient facts over dreamed for fiction, of a Democrat that believes in the Constitution, and who feels that there is strength in diversity, cowardice in homogeneity, well then, let's save us both some anguish okay? Oh, if occasional side trips into sex by an older gentleman might be too much for you, Ditto. Still here? Smile.

Latest Entry

Why I am staying

January 30, 2018
Actually, not sure if I am or am not.  The future has not been written and life is short blah blah.   But I am poking fun at people that feel the need to vent about the evils of Bruce and why the are NOT staying.   Great.  We don't care.  Or maybe we care…
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Recent Entries

  • You never know…
    December 13, 2017
    You have landed, sunk, gotten lost on what is likely to be the last public page of this diary.  This isn't Facebook after all.   Just saying.   You want to know more, you know what to do at the sound of the beep. If not, have a good life.  Well, have a great life…
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  • Time Capsule
    December 4, 2017
      I suspect a lot of you are back for the same reason as I am... OD is our own personal time capsule.  So much of my life is on these pages.  It's bitter sweet isn't it?  And then there was the big break when OD was gone.   So much to catch up on.…
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  • Thank you, thank you
    November 30, 2017
      Wow, I got invited back!  You like me, you really like me!   First, I would like to thank all the people that made this possible, The Diarymaster, and those that work with him, and of course all you... Okay.  So my sense of humor has not improved.  But I am serious, thank you…
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  • Writing entries with iThings
    May 7, 2012
    This is important. Not really but I promise an entry on the important stuff later...ish.This is a question I see all the time. My iThingy (pod,pad,phone,Mac) does not work on OD.First of all, it's OD that doesn't work with iThingies..Second of all, yes they do. This not an important entry is brou...
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  • Tonight
    August 12, 2011
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  • Today
    August 11, 2011
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  • Tonight
    August 11, 2011
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  • An Apple a Day… (EDIT)
    October 31, 2010
    Your NoJoMo theme is Apple? I do believe you could easily find 30 different devices or mac related products to talk about each day in november. Stories of what you currently use combined with fond memories of past systems. Strangely enough I think I would actually love reading those entries, but ...
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