I am the Crazy Dog Lady....I own a dog rescue and am the only certified Bully Breed Rescue in my county. You'll probably hear a lot about my rescue adventures, a lot about my family and some of my more private thoughts. Sometimes i'm funny, sometimes i'm sad but isn't that what life is about?

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Forever 25

March 8, 2018
When people ask me how old my children are I automatically list off their ages....it's not hard, right?  The problem I have is that I still say that Lizzie is 25.  Lizzie passed away when she was 25, she would now be almost 27.  In my head she remains frozen at just barely a month…
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Recent Entries

  • My Crazy Life
    February 7, 2018
    So.......I forgot about OD being back up and running.  It's been pretty crazy in my world lately and I simply forgot all about it.  It's funny, I always feel like I have so much to say and then I sit down and nothing....giant void!  Everyone in my house except me has been sick lately.  People&hel...
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  • Closed
    January 17, 2018
    Ermagerd!!!!!  I have lived in Texas the majority of my life.  We had a big snow event in the 80's that pretty much shut down San Antonio but never in my entire life have I seen the entire state shut down for what is basically an ice storm.  My office literally shut down from Monday…
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  • Legally Blonde
    January 11, 2018
    This amazing, beautiful, crazy, brilliant, driven girl (woman) turned 21.  My baby girl (woman) turned 21 years old.  I'm not sure exactly when it happened, I remember her being a baby and being in school and then poof....she's all grown up!  This young lady is truly amazing.  She has more talent...
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  • 3 dogs in 2 days
    January 2, 2018
    You wanna know one of the things that gets me the most about people who dump their dogs?  I know you're thinking about the obvious thing.  How sad, how irresponsible, how uncaring etc. etc. etc.  But that's not it....what gets me right in the feels every time is that the dog you dump will most&he...
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  • Happy Holidays???
    December 29, 2017
    I don't look forward to this time of year....my job gets super hectic and my passion even more so!  This is what I deal with for the next few months! According to the SPCA and Humane Society, in the next 4-8 weeks, you'll all be seeing the "We need to re-home our pet..." posts. These…
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  • Who Let The Dogs Out
    December 22, 2017
    These are two of my babies....on the left we have Rowdy aka Roro and on the right we have Macklin aka Big Mak.  These are amazing dogs!  They are sweet and funny and cuddly and generally well behaved....generally.  This picture was taken in the mud room where they come in from outside...it's alwa...
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  • Second Xmas without Lizzie
    December 20, 2017
    I find it hard to believe we are only 4 days away from Christmas.  I am trying really hard to get into the spirit of the season but it's just not there for me anymore.  I'm honestly not certain it will ever come back.  I'm so glad I don't have any young children anymore because…
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  • so many changes…
    December 15, 2017
      My girls are all grown up!  Megan my oldest just turned 30 (she's on the left)  Miranda my baby is 20 (she's on the right in both pictures)  Miranda is in the Police Academy....she graduates at the end of May.  I'm very proud  Elizabeth unfortunately passed away in 2016 from diabetic ketoacidos...
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