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I’m a long, long way from giving up

July 11, 2024
If there's one thing I know about myself is that I have been tested more times than I'd like to be. When I came back to Opendiary when it was brought back to life, I realized that I didn't need it as much now as I did back in some of my darkest days. However,…
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Recent Entries

  • Man your own jack hammer, man your battle stations
    May 29, 2024
    Yeah, its been a hot minute hasn't it? I got to thinking a day or two ago or it may have been longer. I meant to post here sooner but alas the world of distraction got the best of me, and well my own lack of focus. The thing is I wanted to get over…
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  • But, oh, how I changed and oh, how I’ve grown
    January 29, 2023
    Geez has it been a year from my last entry? It sure has. I said I'd keep up with this thing and yet I failed quite miserably. And I know damned well I could have used this on many occasions. The thing was just how did I manage to cope if I didn't use this…
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  • Here’s to feeling alive again
    January 29, 2022
    It has been too long. Its 12 am, and a memory popped up. The original OpenDiary layout. It was highly customizable back then and I learned how to code mine to perfection. Back then I needed that outlet and finding this site in its original days, was a gift and I didn't know at the…
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  • Only now I’ve come to this moment in my life
    February 12, 2021
    When I said I'd be back I made that promise and while I know its not sooner I simply just never found the right flow. A part of me wants to really journal more and not so much here but also on paper. We will get to that in a moment. I miss that art.…
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  • With truth on the shores of compassion You seem to take premise to all of these songs
    January 26, 2021
    On this day three years ago, this site returned and I found myself rushing to make an entry. I planned to write more and yet I never did much in those three years. I wanted to but life just simply went haywire, crazy and I never got the art  back as I had once before.…
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  • does it cost me scarring if the words stay true?
    August 18, 2020
    There has been no doubt that this year has ultimately sucked and its not even over yet. And the thing is I have found myself with more mental and emotional stress than in 2018. Thinking about it, 2018 was hard on me but in so many different ways. The bouts of depression left rather quickly…
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  • I’m not okay I’m not okay Well, I’m not okay I’m not o-fucking-kay
    March 24, 2020
    There are things I don't want to discuss here because the truth be told I don't want to look back in a year from now and read how fucked this world is and what's going on. Let's just get straight to the point and know that I am not okay, and I haven't been okay…
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  • You’re a few years overdue..
    December 6, 2019
    I didn't write much here over the year and more so since I returned to the site. Many times I tell myself I need to write more here—get back into the habit.  The thing is I don't feel as if I want to write about the things that happen in my life and of the…
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  • This Art Does Drown
    August 23, 2019
    It’s been awhile since I’ve written and while I could of used writing here I just suppose there are just some things I just didn’t want to write about and some things I just didn’t feel  like sharing because I was in a good place and things on life were good. I didn’t want to…
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