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Greasing the gears… a survey

February 1, 2019
I totally pinched this survey. ——– 1. Three things I want to say to three different people. I love you. I miss you. I wish you could appreciate me. 2. One of my insecurities. My hair. I chopped it off and it is in an inbetween stage of growth right now. Also, it needs some…
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Recent Entries

  • A rant of sorts…
    February 1, 2019
    I don't know why I stopped writing but I have to get back on the horse... especially because I forgot that my account was on auto-renew. Haha! I have been reading a lot of articles lately about the mom who is an anti-vaxxer who posted on social media asking for advice on how to prevent…
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  • Where did all the work ethic go?!
    March 4, 2018
    I really need to rant for a second about my generation and how incredibly lazy many people are. What happened to a good work ethic? What happened to wanting to perform at your best? What happened to doing more than is necessary to get by? I am 35 years old and have been working since…
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  • Some days you just need to breathe
    March 4, 2018
    I am trying to get back into the habit of writing but I feel like there is always something more important that takes up my time. Anyway, there isn't much happening here. I started taking oral chemo two weeks ago and that has left me feeling pretty tired but so far I have been able…
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  • Snow has arrived!
    February 19, 2018
    Yesterday was a cluster as far as the weather is concerned. I took Nora, our chocolate lab, to the dog park in the early afternoon when it was 58*F outside. It was windy but nice. Around 7pm we had 4" of snow on the ground. Welcome to Utah. Emma had an appt this morning with…
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  • Mind vs. Body
    February 15, 2018
    I am anxiously awaiting a search feature for the site because I am still searching for my old friends. I have often wondered if there is anyone searching for me, too. We all sit and refresh the main page every so often waiting, just hoping, to find someone we know. In the mean time, I…
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  • Suspicious Lesions
    February 8, 2018
    Today I had a dermatology appointment to have some "suspicious lesions" removed. Four of them, to be exact. In a week or so I will know whether or not they are cancerous. The numbing agent has worn off of two of the four spots and I am considering giving myself a small shot of lidocaine…
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  • Socks and Shakespeare
    February 7, 2018
    Thanks to all who commented on my last entry, I really appreciated hearing your words. I felt justified in a way and I feel grateful for your support. :) I did not have to work today which was nice. I had a lab and lecture this morning so I spent the day at the school…
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  • Never let them see you cry…
    February 6, 2018
    Oh my gosh I was never so ready to leave work today. You know how the #1 rule of Fight Club is never to talk about Fight Club? Well, the #1 rule of nursing is to never let them see you cry. For reals, y'all. I went to work this morning and was cheerily greeted…
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  • A whole lot of nothing
    February 4, 2018
    Happy Super Bowl Sunday to those folks who care about football. Me? Notsomuch. Ed, my husband, and I are members of the Elks and I am a PER (Past Exalted Ruler) so it's sort of expected that PERs will at least make appearances at lodge functions. Last night they had a paint night and we…
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