"Its hard to explain and bounces around in my head looking for illogical loopholes, but that doesnt make it any less true. When I talk to my friend, its like the pain and disillusion I feel almost every day melts away. I feel deeply changed, and every time a part of me is knit back together. Things that didnt make sense, even from years ago, suddenly snap into perspective and shine a glaring spotlight on another thing that I had forgotten that I knew. Then these two things, joined together in gentle clarity find a hurting place inside of me and make it better. Its not like psychic healing. Its not faith healing. Its healing based on something still mysterious and undefined for me, but very, very real. I dont even want to question it too much; I simply want to acknowledge that its there and that I would never do anything to risk its existence. Im usually the guy who seeks the compact and elegant answer. Im not going to be that guy in this case. Im going to be the guy who basks in a simple and new truth and nurture the friendship we've created and try to not hurt so much." - Chuck
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A Tardy Thank You Note
November 2, 2004
Dear Blather, I am writing to you today because you left before I could say goodbye. I was sitting in the kitchen when Bruce came in , looking anemic and said "Blather died". My first response was "excuse me?" - I was not processing what I was hearing, afterall, you've been through so very much&h...Continue Reading... -
Overwhelmed (In a Good Way)
September 15, 2004
Dear OD Friends, It is with deep personal gratitude that I sincerely thank all of you who have been so kind as to leave both myself and the DM your notes of support and encouragement. This community, is truly amazing, and I am proud to be associated with all of you and be to be…Continue Reading... -
An Open Diary Entry to All
September 13, 2004
Dear Open Diary Friends, It is with great concern that I write today, hoping that not only will you read my thoughts but will pass it on to others within your groups of OD friends. As you know, my diary is much less public than the DiaryMasters, but I also know that many of you…Continue Reading... -
testing 123
July 15, 2003
Hello from beyond...tech test,more to follow.Love to allMiss you tonsThe DMSContinue Reading... -
With Hesitation…
February 13, 2003
With Some Hesitation…
February 13, 2003
With thoughts of love on Valentine's Day...It has been six months since I've written, seems like just yesterday...seems like forever. I never kept up with my written journals on a regular basis either for that matter, I have lots of half-blank books lining my closet shelf.Perhaps I should look in...Continue Reading...
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