I'm just your average Pokemon fan. I blog about everything and anything. Namaste.

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Wrong URL

January 8, 2020
Sorry but my sis doesn't want to shell out her money anymore. https://xmyphotographicallifex.blogspot.com/ Add me there?
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Recent Entries

  • Over at LJ
    January 8, 2020
    http://zombiexunicorn.livejournal.com Add me there. My sister paid for me there.
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  • Cherry Nettles
    January 8, 2020
    Cherry Nettles, she is a pink sim. Pink hair and eyes. Her LTW is to master the guitar and the easel.. I took a video of her playing but I forgot to tick off the sound on thing.. Taking a class in art. I want one of these! Romancing the mascot... and it's working! And…
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  • Hello again :)
    January 8, 2020
    So, today is a free day for me. I might go see the new Star Wars movie but then Bees was dead set against it bc Leona will see it and Bees has a HUGE beef with Leona. Anyways, like I said; free day. :D Thursday is pizza night at the social so.. yay!! Plus…
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  • Because I am fscking lazy?
    January 7, 2020
    Lazy arse. LOL Here … read this my lovelies... Anyways, I will read up on my diary friends later... Sammy  
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  • Okies
    January 6, 2020
    I'm back with the iPad. Bees finds it too complicated... and too big to lug around. 🙃 I am going to have a look see in the App Store and see about MeWe.... Which is a lot like FB without the garbage/bollocks. It's URL is http://www.mewe.com ok? 😉 Anyways, I bid you adieu. Sammy
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  • Post nasal drip and all that grue…
    January 6, 2020
    So, today I have my semi tri-weekly diabetic clinic appt. I see my nurse Angelique who is true to her name. :)  I just swallowed some phlegm. Gosh I hate post nasal drip! Alright, that was a little TMI... but, my sisters call me the Queen of TMI. LOL I'm craving an orange that is…
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  • 7 Day Book Cover Meme
    January 6, 2020
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  • Not moving day… lol
    January 5, 2020
    [embed]https://youtu.be/cBojbjoMttI[/embed]   Not much is better than punk music... and the Sex Pistols are where it's at baby. So, as it turns out, Dave told me that I can stay with Lucy Ianonne... which suits me fine bc she and I get along very well. :)  Just had dinner. Beef stroganoff. N...
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  • Moving Day
    January 5, 2020
    Well, today is my moving day. Anna will be Lucy I's room-mate and I will be either Bees's or Kim Ronson's. I'm hoping it will be my sister... Does anyone else feel as though WW3 is going to happen? Just curious. I'd better get ready for the day. I still have to do YESTERDAY's computer…
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