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Asset 5

Mum’s Death

February 17, 2024
As I said in my previous post, my mum died on October 4th 2023. She was just over a month shy of her 84th birthday. A good innings, so people say. She had Parkinson's dementia and I have written about it a little in previous posts. It was extremely difficult to deal with. In the…
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Recent Entries

  • The Bond
    February 17, 2024
    My mum died on October 4th 2023. I will write a full entry about it soon. I wrote a poem about it called The Bond. I read it at her funeral. This is it.   The Bond You loved me long before, I took my first breath. And I’ll love you forever, A bond greater…
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  • It happened again.
    February 17, 2024
    Somehow 8 more months have passed and I haven't written. I am a nightmare.   I really need to build writing into my routine. Will try harder.
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  • Asset 5
    Mother and Daughter
    June 25, 2023
    Mother and Daughter I wake to hear you crying, calling out to me. I wearily open my eyes, it’s only half past 3. I sigh, roll over, cover my ears, trying to ignore. But your persistent need for me, just grows more and more. Eventually I go to you, and see you’ve wet the bed.…
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  • Asset 5
    June 25, 2023
    You can’t avoid it, it’s all over the news. Every clip and video, millions of views. Varying opinions, not all of them healthy. Is all this attention because they were so wealthy? Some people say it serves them right, others post a meme. These situations aren’t as simple as they seem. Just becaus...
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  • Asset 5
    Grief on Hold
    December 28, 2022
    Wow, it has been an age again! I really must work writing here into part of my routine until it becomes a habit. So anyway, Christmas has come and gone. It was nice. It had all the ingredients of a great Christmas - happy people, nice gifts, great food, fun and frivolity. But it did…
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  • The Cookie Monster
    August 29, 2022
    The Cookie Monster   I'm so determined this time, nothing can stand in my way. I'll give up the chocolate and wine, and lose all this weighed I have gained.   I will stay to group every week, and always follow the plan. Each plate will be full of speed, I'll soon be a brand…
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  • Ch…Ch….Ch…Changes
    August 29, 2022
    It's been a while again...sigh. Must try harder. So I feel restless. The next couple of years are going to bring quite a few changes. I was talking to my daughter, Lauren, about university. She needs to apply soon.  She is just about to start year 13 (her last year of A levels). She wants…
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  • Gone but still here
    July 31, 2022
    oh god it’s been ages again since I wrote. I’m so bad at this. I will try to get into better habits of writing. Life is fine, pretty standard, just ticking along. The kids are off school for the summer which is great for me - one less thing to think about. Especially with Liam’s…
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  • Asset 5
    Insomnia (Poem)
    April 5, 2022
    Here is a little poem for you all.   Insomnia If I fall asleep now I will have 8 hours, That’s more than enough. Most nights I only get 4 or 5, And wake up feeling rough. If I fall asleep now I will have 7 hours, That’s still, I’d say, a surplus. But even…
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