what is stronger
than the human heart
which shatters over and over
and still lives
-rupi kaur

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Body Warrior Pledge

June 22, 2022
The Body Warrior Pledge Because I understand that my love and respect for my body are metaphors for my love and respect for myself and soul, I pledge: to stop berating my body and to begin celebrating the vessel that I have been given.  I will remember the amazing things my body has given me:&hel...
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Recent Entries

  • 4 March 2020
    March 4, 2020
    I wonder if there will ever come a day when I don’t wake up missing Joe so much it hurts.  I wonder if there will ever come a night when I don’t lie in bed with my eyes closed pretending that I’m back in my comfy king-sized bed in Easton, with Joe next to me,…
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  • 2/27/2020
    February 27, 2020
    I’ve learned that grief has a funny way about it.  Just when you think you’re over the hump, it returns, stronger and fiercer than before.  It ebbs and flows.  Waxes and wanes.  It is peaks and valleys.  My life is split into two halves: before my divorce, and after it.  Before my divorce, I was&...
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  • sometimes when you lose, you win
    June 27, 2019
    life is good. i'm not sure i ever expected to feel this way again, but i do.  my divorce was final in december 2018.  there have certainly been tough times between then and now, but i've done my best to just go with the flow and experience the joy in each day as much as…
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  • All I Ask
    November 7, 2018
    I will leave My heart at the door I won’t say a word They’ve all been said before, you know So why don’t we Just play pretend Like we’re not scared of what is coming next Or scared of having nothing left Look, don’t get me wrong I know there is no tomorrow All I…
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  • Excerpt from a Letter I Will Never Send, Part 2
    October 15, 2018
    You didn’t even give things a chance to turn around.  You just gave up.  Why?  Why can’t you tell me?  How am I supposed to move on with my life without knowing why you couldn’t love me, why you were too weak to choose me? I hate you today and I feel justified in that. …
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  • Excerpt from a Letter I Will Never Send, Part 1
    September 17, 2018
    Fuck you. I swore to myself that would never be something I would say to you with any serious meaning behind it, and I guess since you'll never read this, I've kept my promise.  But seriously, fuck you.  How could you do this to me?  To our families?  How could you string me along for…
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  • Beautiful You (Begin)
    August 6, 2018
    I purchased this book called "Beautiful You: A Daily Guide to Radical Self-Acceptance" a while ago, and have decided to finally sit down and begin. Today's journal questions: What are your hopes - personally and for the world - with regard to body image and self-acceptance?  How can you begin to ...
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  • Tin Man
    July 30, 2018
    Hey there Mr. Tin Man You don't know how lucky you are You shouldn't spend your whole life wishin' For somethin' bound to fall apart Every time you're feelin' empty Better thank your lucky stars If you ever felt one breakin' You'd never want a heart Hey there Mr. Tin Man You don't know how…
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  • July 30, 2018
    July 30, 2018
    Grief is a funny thing.  Just when you think you're on the other side of it, it returns in a different form and surprises you with its intensity.  I can't say that I'm sad about losing Joe, really.  It's more that I'm sad about losing the life I always thought I'd have.  I'm sad about…
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