I am quite strong but can't deny the fact that I am also weak or sensitive. All of us has our own story. Hope to have people help and understand me. A thing that people around me can't do cuz I can't tell.

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January 4, 2021
Hello! I recently had an argument with my father. Not that arguing with my family is new but I just felt like I need to share the happenings in my life that I can't tell the people around me. I'd been living most of my years not being too close with my family. It may…
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    January 4, 2021
    Well 1st is Hello! It's my 1st time writing here and the 1st question I saw was what happening in my life am I going to relive if I have that kind of chance. I know that I can't change the past or I can't go back in time so I am answering the what…
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