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Meant to Be

February 23, 2018
I keep writing and just erasing everything. I have to stop doing that. I have to stop second guessing and doubting myself and just go with it. That's what I'm working on at least. And there we have it, I started this entry based off me doubting what I wanted to write about. I've had…
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Recent Entries

  • Restoring
    February 19, 2018
    When I saw in my Facebook news feed that this site had re-launched I must admit I was pretty excited. Way, way excited. But I told myself I wouldn't start it back up again because I don't have the time to write like I once did as an angsty teenager listening to my angry girl…
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  • Farewell
    January 30, 2014
    I just logged in for the first time in months, and I am so sad to learn that open diary is going to be no more. I have made a prosebox account, with no entries however... whatever diary writing website I find to share my thoughts on, it will never compare to this place that I ...
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  • Say my name like a scripture
    October 28, 2013
     I know this is my second entry for the day, which never happens, but with OD acting up it has made me realize how much I will miss it and has made me want to write more. I made a prosebox account, same name. I just want to stay here as long as I can, because prosebox loo...
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  • Double Rainbow
    October 27, 2013
    " 'cause I understand you, we see eye to eye like a double rainbow in the sky and wherever you go so will I   'cause a double rainbow is hard to find" Me and Shane and his brother spent all day together yesterday, and I told Brittany that it was one of the best days…
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  • Anywhere with you
    October 19, 2013
    I gave in and re-instated my Facebook. I bought another orchid. The nice old lady at the flower part of our local Winn Dixie has gotten use to seeing me, getting all of her almost dead flowers :) I have plans with Falan on Tuesday, that I intend to keep. I love that the weathe...
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  • Withdrawals
    October 12, 2013
     I open my computer browser and the facebook button on my stupid yahoo toolbar is taunting me to re-activate my account and maybe stalk an ex of mine, or look at my little nephew's ridiculously funny stuff on his page..... but no I shall be strong and resist the urge THE PAPA ...
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  • Roll Tide
    October 4, 2013
     Today was a rather good and relaxing day. Shane watched football (Alabama won, duh) and I played The Sims 3. It's one of my addictions, along with Sunkist. I swear they have to put crack something addictive in that stuff... but it's sooo good. Don't try to pass an orange Fanta off as being ...
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  • Deactivation
    October 2, 2013
    So I deactivated my facebook. I really don't bother with it as much as I use to. I've only really kept it to stay in touch with Brittany, but she isn't available these days. My mom isn't either. And where I live there is no cell reception, so I haven't bothered with getting a new c...
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  • Getting right with my soul
    September 28, 2013
     So I love to garden and I love to cook. These are new things I've discovered about myself since being with Shane. He is the reason I believed in myself enough to try and do both, and with a little trial and error I have learned a lot and developed new things to be passio...
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