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Asset 6

Walking into zombieland

September 1, 2024
Hello there,  Shall we journey into the land of the dead...  When I first got released from prison after 8yrs of my life was taken from me for no reason(another true,but unbelievable story) I came out of prison brand new and bored. I was living with my second husband in Delaware.  So what happens...
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  • Asset 6
    I survived the “land of the dead.”
    August 31, 2024
    Hello there, Could I spare a moment of your time?? I survived the land of the dead..   If you don't believe me then go to YouTube and search for kenningston Philadelphia, zombieland.  I walked out of the land of the dead, and I STILL have my limps.  That's a miracle right there. So, the gruesome&...
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