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Date Cancelled

April 15, 2018
So, my second date with J was cancelled.  We were supposed to meet for Bowling and then dinner (or whatever we wanted to do) on Friday night.  She texted me around 11AM  Fri and said "the roads might be icy tonight, maybe we should cancel".  I was upset at first (in my head).  But I…
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Recent Entries

  • Nobody knows that I . . .
    April 10, 2018
    have never had a real girlfriend?  OK, I have, like 1.  I always say two, but that first one was not a real relationship, just being kids, silly stuff.  The second one was so unhealthy (the relationship, not the girl, OK maybe she was unhealthy, mentally).  I have dated some, but little success (...
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  • Restless
    April 5, 2018
    I have felt a little bit uneasy the last few days.  I am writing here because I know there's no judgement (at least there never was before so I'm back).  Let me preface this entry by saying that my dating and relationship skills are . . . nonexistent?  I am not young (in my 30's)…
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  • Date Night
    April 1, 2018
    Today was a good day.  Very restful most of the day, as weekends should be. I had a date with J at 5PM.  This was our first date.  We met online and have been talking on phone and text for a couple weeks.  It was nice.  We met for coffee then went to the arcade. …
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  • Lord Have Mercy
    March 27, 2018
    Hmmm, I didn't realize I quit writing in Nov 2008.  Thought it was a much later date than that.  Oh, maybe there is more content.  Takes a while to restore content? Well, I was messed up back then.  Fast forward 10 years.  Its like time travelling, man.  Boom, 10 years later. I have been sober&he...
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  • Confessions . . .
    July 16, 2011
    One Day at a Time Confession #1: I only originally started writing in here almost three years ago because I was hoping my ex-girlfriend at the time would read me. Ha. (Incidentally, I think one reason I don't write as much in here as I used to is that I'm over her, as completely as…
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  • Locks of love . . .
    July 11, 2011
    One Day at a Time I got my hair cut.  There is just enough (barely) to qualify for locks of love.  I'm going to send it in soon.  It has to be at least 10 inches from the point of the tie.  It's right at it, although it will certainly be longer once they unbraid it…
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  • I really wanted to . . .
    July 7, 2011
    One Day at a Time I really wanted to drink tonight. The desire only lasted for a few seconds. I told it to go the fuck away, reminded myself of how miserable it made things, and the desire left. I had what can safely be described as one of my worst days ever at work…
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  • If they only knew . . .
    June 30, 2011
    One Day at a Time I now have a standing invitation to go out and party with my boss AND one of the assistant managers. They seem to think I have no life and could use a "good time". LOL, I guess that's what they're thinking, who knows. I told them I don't drink. I've…
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  • Beach Dream
    June 18, 2011
    One Day at a Time Read on to hear about the dream. First, something on my mind this evening . . . I haven't talked to my sponsor, John, in about 3 weeks. I've called. He doesn't return my calls (and it's been heading in this direction for a while, the interval between each call…
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