~ * ~ Musings from the PunkinPixy ~ * ~

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Whispers of Joy: A Memoir of Simple Pleasures…

March 22, 2025
Chapter 1: The Art of Sleeping In My story begins in the quietest hours of the morning under the comforting embrace of a soft, warm blanket. When the world outside whispers to wake, I choose to linger in bed a little longer. Sleeping in is not laziness; for me, it’s in these serene moments that&h...
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Recent Entries

  • What It Was Like for You Growing Up in the 70’s?
    March 21, 2025
    Growing up in the 70s was a kaleidoscope of emotions, experiences, and discovery. I can still picture myself in Earth shoes, the popular footwear at the time, strutting down the street in bell-bottom, hip-hugger pants with usually a halter top. Those clothes had a way of making me feel like I cou...
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  • Sycamore & the Angel
    August 31, 2023
    Wow! It's been such a long time since I've visited. Time sure seems to fly as you get older LOL. So, I am still the Senior Warden of the Episcopal Church I attend and we had a large Sycamore tree.  Notice I said, "had". Well... thanks to Hurricane Hillary, which landed on us as a…
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  • Black Flag…
    October 2, 2022
    Friday was another blur… A whirlwind of a day. All Fridays start off with music 🎵 which always makes for a nice day 🥰 every Friday I get together with my music Director, who I’ve become very close to over the many years we’ve been playing together. We spend an hour of our time together…
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  • Strangelove…
    September 29, 2022
    Today just sort of blew by with not much to talk about.  Thursdays are the day I work for my husband, doing payroll for his company.  I do like this break in the week though because it keeps my mind sharp and grounded. Every other day is spent in the clouds where my soul prefers…
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  • The Wisest Mind…
    September 27, 2022
    I always enjoy Tuesdays. It is the day of the week that I get to enhance my knowledge of my chosen field and it keeps me humble. It is also a day when I get to spend quality time with a new friend. She wasn’t always a friend, she started out as a client. I…
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  • Monday Monday…
    September 26, 2022
    Ba-da ba-da-da-da 🎵… So good to me🎵 … It was one of those rare occasions I got to sleep in a bit… after 7 AM! But alas… Master Obiwan and his Padawan were waiting patiently for their meal. My morning routine: Feed Cats Wash Dishes Make Tea Make Lunch for Hubby Yoga Shower Prayers Breakfast…
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  • Amen & Blessed Be…
    September 25, 2022
    Most Sunday mornings are spent in church so it’s an early rise day… no time for yoga this morning. Today was no exception and it’s a sacrifice my body is willing to make. I am the Senior Warden of a very small congregation.  I didn’t expect to be Senior Warden but when my Priest and…
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  • Tears came today…
    September 23, 2022
    The morning started like yesterday and the day before and the day before that. Grateful to wake with no sign of illness once again. Looking out the kitchen window I could sense a creep within my mind and once again, I shoved it back inside and closed the door, just like I was taught. Alexa…
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  • Autumn Equinox – Mabon
    September 22, 2022
    In my part of the world, today is the Autumn Equinox and I will be celebrating Mabon, an ancient Celtic harvest. Mabon is the mid-harvest festival, and it is when we take a few moments to honor the changing seasons and celebrate the second harvest. For many Pagan traditions, it is a time of givin...
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