I'm an average guy with an average life
A fur parent to many majestic beasts
Mostly happy outside

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Memento Mori

September 22, 2024
This is the quote that never had an impact on me until I saw a short video where John Cena explained how it works for him.   He said that this quote is a reminder to him that he is human and he is above no one.   It is funny as I realized that…
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Recent Entries

  • What if.. What if..
    May 14, 2024
    So I have been watching some series lately, pretty random but I am mostly into the apocalyptic ones with some action. And funny enough! while working I tried a love series! I don't usually watch romance or love series but this time I gave it a shot. It is cool anyway and since it is…
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  • Mother’s day+Catsit
    May 12, 2024
    I celebrated Mother's Day early with my mom due to schedule constraints. Also, mom did not want to go to a crowded place and we assumed that most places would be crowded since it was Mother's Day. I visited a place where a friend of mine was catsitting - yeap you heard that right, catsitting.&hel...
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  • It’s exhausting to be reliable, responsible & competent
    May 5, 2024
    At the end of the day, I am fine, I am okay I just wish to express here that I am getting tired of always being the one to rely to. Since I was young, expectations were super high. I do meet them most of the time but recently, I just wish to disappear from…
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  • sinus tachycardia
    May 5, 2024
    Recently, one of the lab results I've got shows that I have sinus tachycardia. I haven't had time to consult the doctor just yet to have it interpreted. I did another lab test and the lady doing the test for 2DEcho said I have a faster than normal heart rate too. I am not certain…
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  • The Waves
    May 4, 2024
    I am certain that you will never see this entry as you were never fond of online journals, and even if you come across this one by any chance, you still won't know as I will make it anonymous even if it is dedicated for you. We have been through ups and downs, you're like…
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  • this freakin Heart
    April 30, 2024
    Stress is part of my work but I have not observed anything new that would trigger this. Squeezing chest pain, it hurts like hell. It isn't constant and I've taken a few meds that are not prescribed to me, it was for my Dad who has a heart condition. They do work but mostly temporarily,…
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  • Music Vibes & a bit of hope
    April 30, 2024
    I am playing random music at the moment, I don't feel sad but I don't feel fulfilled either. I wondered.. if most people listen to music they can relate to or to a song they want to dedicate to someone. I think my reason is different, I listen to music where I imagine someone dedicating…
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  • Eclipse
    April 13, 2024
    I know..I am just posting now. I wonder how the eclipse day went for others. I used to believe that it should be nothing, but for me, there was just too much emotional turmoil that day. I fought with 2 people I was not expecting to have an argument with. Seems like the stroke of…
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  • “give someone a hand and they’ll take your whole arm”
    March 18, 2024
    So why am I here? Many reasons... but my reason is the same and has become more solid and yes it took me years to come to this understanding. It is because if you share your thoughts with people, 90% of the time they will have an opposing opinion, they will take it negatively, they…
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