I'm an Autsitic, Asexual girl who wants to explore what it means to be autistic and asexual. I'm looking for a safe place where I can ask a diverse group of people "can you relate to this or is it my autism"? where my target audience isn't all autistic yet I don't have to out myself before i'm ready. So please read along. Even if its just to answer the quick question i'm going to try to put at the end of every post.

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Maybe its sensory overload

May 15, 2021
My head hurts and I feel woozy.  It started when I turned on my light in my room at my mom's.  It flickers and it made noise.  plus she brought her ticking clock out that she had put away while i visited.  All those noises.  then her husband turned on the vacuum and i had…
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Recent Entries

  • Just a giant child
    May 14, 2021
    Today's ponder isn't so fascinating maybe.   I'm laying here listning to a podcast - designed for kids, and i'm loving it.  I'm surrounded by most of my stuffed bunnies, though my favourite is upstairs being fixed by my mom who i'm visiting for the week.  I litterly love my bunny to pieces, so sh...
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  • Day 2: thoughts on if i’d like a life partner, and today’s can you relate question
    May 13, 2021
    I'm asexual, but i'm sure i'm not aromantic.  I've also always thought of myself as heterosexual (and then heteroromantic), but then i'm really not sure. I've had several long term relationships with males, however i would always get bored in the end.  My last partner I actually lived with for se...
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  • Welcome back to me, what I hope from this diary
    May 12, 2021
    Waaaay back in the day I was a member here.  had a couple diaries over the years, mostly through highschool.  I have it downloaded somewhere.  I'm 38 now.  suddenly thought of this place a month or two ago and thought it might be the place i need to be again.  is it worth a monthly…
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