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She Feels

April 29, 2019
A heartache on high heels Moving along the sun sparkled sidewalk Tossing out smiles like candy to the burdened faces Enchantment floating on the light summer breeze Life is coming of age Life is glowing inside of her Listen to the song in her eyes Feel the magic that she feels   Daddy lives ...
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Recent Entries

  • PawPaw World
    June 28, 2018
    There is definitely an evolution going on inside of my humble casa, adjustments are underway on an ever changing expansion project that is not only renovating my living space, but my living spirit as well. Whereas I used to try to maintain a certain look to my home, nowadays I have loosened my gr...
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  • Saturday Night Juke Joint Shuffle
    June 25, 2018
    Ohhhhhhh, look out now…I think we are ready for some shimmy shoe sway, primo pump play, loose limo lay…uh-huh, let’s get to dancin’…   A sticky alley backbeat sings The bass guitar thumps and rings I find myself drinkin from a stranger’s cup I feel a hard liquor liftin me up Maybe it’s the w...
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  • Deep Night
    June 23, 2018
    The dream explodes and I am left alone floating in blackness. My mind is struggling to make contact with my rationale, trying to distinguish reality from illusion. My breaths are sharp, my heartbeat erratic as I slowly surface into a nervous wakefulness. The house vibrates as a low rumble builds ...
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  • Let’s get the party started!
    June 18, 2018
    Hello there…it’s good to see you folks again. It feels a bit like returning to the scene of the crime or at least like visiting your childhood school, you know what I’m talking about? Although some things have changed you still recognize the place enough to bring back some good memories. When I v...
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  • Leaving Camelot
    January 31, 2014
      There are too many words to type….too many emotions to endure…to try to explain the impact that Open Diary has had on my life. Don’t get me wrong, I would have survived and done well without ever finding this place, but I must acknowledge and revere the fact that it has started me down the...
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  • Lawn Wars: Entry 1
    March 25, 2011
      One by one, with heads bowed in respect, each of us said a few words of condolence and offered our support to our friend and neighbor Roger who had just lost his beloved Christie. A couple of us guys had a funny anecdote to tell, you know to try and lighten the mood of…
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  • Ruminations On A Winter Night
    January 29, 2011
    The wood floor creaks as old memories dance among shadows born from the flare of the fireplace. A womb of soft heat, comforting in its' warmth, relaxes my body; peaceful thoughts murmur silky seductions, promising that they will float me softly into my dreams. I sink deeper into the cushions of m...
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  • Prayer For My Daughters
    June 27, 2010
      So you’ve found out that life really isn’t that fair There’s a lot of heartaches waiting to tear you out there Now you’re left hiding from the sun Because you can't find any other place to run When your song doesn’t sound very strong And the storm bl...
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  • Michelle and Me
    June 3, 2009
      Dearest annonymous reader: If you and I should ever meet in the world that exists beyond the borders of this enchanted world of Open Diary, please don’t be disappointed. You see, it’s just simply a small matter of reality vs. fiction. Here in this realm of written word, I enjoy a free pass...
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