Life marches on, you just can’t stop time!

A year ago we brought a flat piece of paradise..a blank canvas.

We sold up, moved to our land and currently live in a caravan while we wait for our house to be built! Early next year

In the meantime we have started a vege garden and our fruit orchard (50) fruit trees.

I’m sure everyone thinks we are crazy considering our ages but hey we are late bloomers!!

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Working from home

December 19, 2017
I’m guessing working from home shouldn’t include lying in bed and writing on OD. 😜 last day of work today though, then I’m off on Christmas break and not going back until 8th January. Sounds like a long time and it is but you watch that time just fly by. Right better get up and…
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Recent Entries

  • Penny – R.I.P
    December 2, 2017
    We have chickens! Today we lost Penny - she was 6 years old and  she layed the most beautiful green shelled egg. She was known as a nEaster Egger - of no particular breed. It was very unexpected....she had a bit of a mucky bottom so we were preparing to give her a bath and…
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  • I’m back!!
    November 29, 2017
    I’m back my old friend!! Oh the things I need to tell you since you have been gone. It will take some time. I hope to find the long lost friends as well and see what they have been up to. But for now I better get back to work!
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  • Merry Christmas
    December 24, 2010
    Merry Christmas everyone. I'm the first one up this morning and its not because I cant sleep....its because my back is killing me!!! Never mind I have my daughter here who is yet to discover that her Christmas pressie to me will be her being my slave for the day :-) Hope you all have…
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  • 2 weeks a go, 2 weeks to go
    December 18, 2010
    We've been back 2 weeks...seems like a life time ago since we were travelling about in Australia Have been going through Day 1 & 2 piccies...DJD and I are going to put up a joint blog of our pictures..and we want to create a book as well. I think we have enough bird pictures to…
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  • Half way through
    November 27, 2010
    Already half way through our holiday....dang it...and to the delight of many Victorians its been raining the last few days...and they are ecstatic however the holiday makers from kiwiland are far from happy....oh well we are still managing to have a good time and take lots of pictures.  Tomo...
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  • 2 weeks to go
    November 6, 2010
    Only two more weeks to go until we head for our trip to Australia. Flying into Sydney, arrive late afternoon and are staying overnight near the airport and then bright an early hit the road to head to Melbourne over the next 7 days. Reach Melbourne and spend 4 days exploring the city and surround...
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  • Well I never! (warning large picture files)
    September 4, 2010
    sorry some of the pictures I just could not get smaller...humph Big earthquake in Christchurch this weekend...I have family who live there but all are safe and sound. Such destruction on buildings, roads and the infrasture that it will take some time to make things right. Spent most of Saturday j...
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  • Start of week 5
    July 12, 2010
    How time flies so quickly....only 4 weeks ago today I went under the knife and today here I sit having been to the doctors this morning and getting the all clear ready to go back to work next week - only part time for at least the first week until my tummy adjusts to sitting…
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  • Days 9, 10, 11 &12
    June 26, 2010
    I have been rather occupied over the last few days with my sister and mother visiting. Sister has now gone south - literally as she lives in Dunedin but Mum has stayed on to stay with me next week while djd goes back to work. Primarily I think my mothers role is to stop me…
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