Apprentice to the Master. This Jersey girl loves Wild, Wonderful West Virginia, and wakes daily surprised to find herself in Florida.

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Cliff Hanger

February 4, 2020
I’m a cartoon character who ran off the cliff and has only now realized it. Looking down, not sure if there’s a tree branch to catch me or if I’m about to go splat. Or Parker is. I think his cardiologist was trained by Spock. Me: Can he have his carpal tunnel surgery? Dr Spock:…
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Recent Entries

  • MIA We’re At That Age
    May 3, 2018
    Lots of trips.  First, a two week trip to the west coast for a grandson wedding and visits with family we hadn't seen in two years.  Home for a week then off again to DC area to babysit for one group of grandkids and visit another. I thought, since they were all in school, that…
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  • Traveling with a Train Wreck
    April 18, 2018
    Still traveling.  Won't be home until next Tuesday.  The big upfront deal was a grandson's wedding.  His third.  He's thirty.  The big behind the scenes deal was the train wreck his mother, Parker's daughter, is headed toward. She is frantic if she doesn't have a significant other in her life.  S...
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  • Parker would do this
    April 12, 2018
    We're staying in a small, privately owned, recently remodeled hotel. We have a very nice walk-in shower. This is the view outside our window.
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  • Fly by light
    April 12, 2018
    Up at 2 to catch a 6am flight from an airport two hours away. Wearing our dress clothes because even for a two week trip we carry only a back pack each and we've never figured out how to cram a dress suit in there. Give us your travel-light hints! I'm laughing at how bad…
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  • What’s for lunch?
    April 10, 2018
    Looking out the bedroom window at Parker's garden, I see green beans, kale and cabbage with squash on the way. The fruit trees are getting there but probably next year before we get plenty.  AND we have two pineapples coming along nicely. In other news we've had 24 hours of heavy rain with anothe...
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  • Ecuador in July
    April 5, 2018
    Learning to build with bamboo and helping to replace homes destroyed in the 2016 earthquake.  As well as helping construct an agroforestry farm for sustainable bamboo. Right up our alley.  Parker didn't even hesitate when I told when, where and HOW MUCH.  Ok. How much is often a stopping point fo...
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  • Maybe It Wasn’t My Heart That Changed
    March 29, 2018
    Maybe it was my life. Thinking today of how Parker serves versus myself.  When a person calls for help, Parker drops whatever he is doing, without hesitation, and goes.  I spend a lot of time rearranging my schedule, wondering if this service can wait a day, being more concerned with myself and m...
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  • If you’re thinking of going curly
    March 17, 2018
    I get up to parts of my hair being flat.  Or it starts to look frizzy. I just use a spray bottle of distilled water.  Or I used to.  The Curly Girl book said put a few drops of lavender oil in it.  I did.  The curly hair website said add 100% organic aloe vera…
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  • One bad thing
    March 17, 2018
    One bad thing about our everyday car being all electric.  We've gotten out of the habit of checking the gas gauge.  Fortunately the Jetta we use for our long trips beeps when we're down to the last gallon.  Double lucky that the next exit had diesel.  Our 14 gallon tank took 13.6.   yeah. Happy w...
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