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June 7, 2021
So tonight I sent my ex a message under the impression that I was still blocked. (Because I was truly blocked) I was bored and I just impulsively did it. Yes I'll admit I had that "little hope" in the back of my head BUT MAINLY I was 100000% sure I was blocked. Maybe its…
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  • Flaky
    June 1, 2021
    If there is any pet peeve of mine its wishy washy passive bitches. It irritates me so badly when people have shitty communication skills. If I did something, or something is going on that's effecting how you're treating me, etc. SPEAK!! Because otherwise I won't know what the fuck is going on and...
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  • relations
    May 18, 2021
    There is many people in the world and therefore many different perspectives but there are certain things I will never and quite frankly don't ever want to understand. Ever since I could remember (since I was in elementary lol) I've always has this abnormal disdain for cheating. Most people will a...
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  • Beliefs
    May 18, 2021
    I grew up in a christian household and till now (21 yrs) I still believe in Jesus although starting around late November I staring drifting away. At first due to a very difficult breakup I went very deep into my faith, I was doing bible study everyday, praying everyday throughout the day, listeni...
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  • Cycles
    May 18, 2021
    I've been on a weight loss journey for about 2 years now. I gained a bunch of weight staring my senior year of high school then it kinda skyrocketed my freshman year of college. Since then I've been going through many ups and downs of losing weight and then gaining it back, losing weight gaining&...
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  • Missing Him
    May 16, 2021
    It's been nearly a year and a half. I miss him so much but he has a girlfriend and has blocked me on everything possible. There's no going back. I just have to heal but I wonder how much longer I have to feel this pain. I've tried dating but ALL of them either ghosted…
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