I've been here for 12 years. I created my diary not long after my (now) husband and I started dating. We've been together for 12 1/2 years and together we have an 11 year old son and an almost 4 year old daughter. We've also been through a miscarriage in 2008 and we lost our newborn son in 2013. I'm so glad OD is back and I can continue our story here.

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Latest Entry

A Family Record

April 22, 2022
Hello all, I'm back! Darryl asked me to start keeping a daily diary as a sort of family record, and was ecstatic to find out (since he apparently forgot that I told him, lol) that my diary was recovered! I started this diary just after we started dating, so it spans our relationship from the…
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Recent Entries

  • What A Difference A Year Can Make
    July 4, 2020
    Wow, hello again friends! I can't believe it's been over a year since I last wrote... So much has changed, but not really. Gosh, where do I begin? Ville is officially a teenager! Goodness, I can't believe I have a teenage child... I feel so old, haha! He has been super moody lately and gets…
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  • I Need Some Relaxation
    June 27, 2019
    I've been mostly up since 4:30 this morning, on my day off. Bella kept trying to wake up, so I tried my hardest to stay in bed, despite needing to get up to use the restroom. Darryl moving around to get ready for work probably didn't help. Eventually I couldn't wait anymore and quietly got…
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  • All Around Me
    June 25, 2019
    It's currently 5:45 pm. Darryl's playing games on the Switch. Ville's in his room, probably watching YouTube videos. Belle is sitting beside me coloring and drinking her juice, and I am sitting at the kitchen table, watching Belle as I play mobile games and type this entry. It's hot. So very hot....
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  • Random
    June 24, 2019
    I am officially addicted to a stupid game on my phone that I downloaded to pass the time. I've been playing Game of Sultans for almost a year, and I now have 3 accounts. Why? I'm too invested, ha! I guess it's something to focus on when the real world gets too crazy. Better than…
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  • Long Time
    June 22, 2019
    It's been a while. We're finally back on track! I don't even remember when the last time I wrote was, but last October Darryl got a much better job! He's working with steel and between that and me getting two raises, we're finally comfortable! We completely caught up with everything with our tax ...
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  • Forgiveness
    August 20, 2018
    I've been asking the Lord to stir my heart and show me what's holding me back from seeking Him fully. He's revealed a few things, but the biggest one is unforgiveness. Towards myself. I'm pretty forgiving, but I hold myself to a higher standard, the perfectionist in me. I've come to realize that ...
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  • I Love You, I Hate You
    June 26, 2018
    I haven't been on. We lost internet when he lost his job. Life has been rough lately, and we both have struggled immensely with the return of depression. We're working and fighting now, but getting to the point of wanting to fight was difficult. Depression caused us both to isolate ourselves. He ...
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  • Blah
    May 5, 2018
    I haven't been feeling too well the last few days. Actually, it's off and on. One minute I feel fine, the next I feel like puking. It started a couple days ago. Thursday, I started out fine, then I ate a Big Mac and halfway through I started to feel queasy. Afterward, I felt like…
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  • An Enjoyable Day – #totw18
    May 4, 2018
    I was just about to write about last weekend when I saw the latest theme of the week. An enjoyable day. Well, I've been on vacation since last Friday. Technically, Thursday afternoon started that vacation. I left work Thursday and after packing up the car and picking up the family, we went to the...
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