I joined OD in 2008. I met a lot of cool people on here and dang it, I miss them! If I could reconnect with even one of them I'd be happy! I tried PB for a while but it just wasn't the same.

I'm married with one son. My husband is my son's stepdad. His real dad is still around and it can be interesting at times.

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You are missed!

February 23, 2018
Ugh, my heart breaks more and more every time I open my old diary. I just want all my old friends back on here. I didn't realize at the time how many people cared about me on here, and I appreciate it more than they will ever know. I was in a dark place in…
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Recent Entries

  • First time in ~5 years
    February 10, 2018
    Wow! OD is back! I tried the whole Prosebox thing but... it's just not OD. I was bummed to find that I don't have ALL of my old entries on here. I don't remember doing it, but apparently this is my "new" account. I had one from years ago that I must have deleted or…
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  • Bucket List- Too be added to!
    February 24, 2013
     1. Visit New Zealand  2. Try Ice Climbing  3. Maintain a healthy body   4. Write an insightful essay and/or book of my thoughts  5. Climb every mountain in the Selway Bitterroots   6. Own a dog  7. Take my son to Disneyland and Seaworld- 2 memories of...
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  • Love for electronic music!
    January 23, 2013
    I have a lot of people in need of a person to talk to seeking me for help. It is flattering to know that so many people feel like they can trust me. But that is for another time. For now, I shall leave you all with a list of some of the musical artists…
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  • My favorite quotes of all time.
    January 16, 2013
    Here are some of my favorite quotes I have ever heard. For everyone.  "Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else... you are the one who gets burned."  -Buddha  This quote in particular I have come to live by. Life is muc...
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  • Women…. mysterious women.
    January 12, 2013
     There are things that I don't even understand about women, even with being a woman myself. Here is a list I have compiled that leaves me scratching my head.  1. Thousands of the same looking self-shots on Facebook, the only difference is location and clothing.  2. Fake bake. I don...
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  • January 13, 2013
    January 12, 2013
     Tomorrow is our annual snowshoeing trip. Pre-paid for a cabin up at a hot springs not far from here. I couldn't be more excited. I made a stir fry with some rice, about to go make a sauce for it. We are bringing our microwave, lol. Last year we did this trip and we ate…
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  • January 10, 2013
    January 9, 2013
     Today is the first time in a while that I've woken up looking forward to the day. Jesse and I had a talk last night and both feel reassured. What a relief. I think things are finally going to be the way they used to. I love him so much.  My hand feels weird right…
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  • January 3. 2013
    January 2, 2013
     I am with the love of my life... is it me that I am unhappy with or is it him?  I can't decide if being in a relationship is right for me or if it isn't.  He is free as a bird.... while I'm stuck here in the biggest rut of my life. It's painful…
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  • Worst dream I’ve ever had…
    October 2, 2012
     This is the nightmare I had about a week ago and can't stop thinking about.  In my dream, my sister died in a horrible car accident. I was grieving and so were my parents... and I found out just hours later that my parents had both been brutally murdered. I felt very alone.  I con...
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