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  • Which of your values do you value most? Theme #7
    February 4, 2018
    Being open minded as well as accepting of any given situation or issue that comes my way. It's all about attitude and how well you're able to deal with certain things. Looking outside the box or seeing the big picture. It isn't always easy to do so, I know. Admitting that changes are necessary in...
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  • The Mind…
    February 2, 2018
    The mind is nothing without matter to comprehend... solidity in forming... what? conclusions?  If thoughts were colors... besides the black thoughts and the red raged thoughts... what would they be? Bright? Pastel... I think both... sometimes a stark contrast even to what I might be thinking... h...
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  • Asset 5
    New Orleans, 1862 — #3
    February 1, 2018
    The room into which the lad had been ushered into was obviously one in which doctors spent their leisure time. Two narrow cots and sparse furnishings indicated that perhaps little to no time was spent to relax and catch a few hours-worth of sleep. Heavy footsteps were heard coming down the hallwa...
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  • Asset 5
    January 31, 2018
    I see ALL these people that have signed up for the writing circle!!!! And that means MORE stories to read. Or tales. Or epic adventures. POST!!! POST!!! POST!!!   Please?
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  • Insights
    January 31, 2018
    Too often nightmares surface to catapult me not forward, but backward. Not so much to relive the past, more along the lines in pointing out mistakes as well as transgressions I have wrought. The pain, as unbearable as it is and can be at times, is also welcome. A reminder if you will, that I…
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  • Asset 5
    New Orleans, 1862 — Part 2
    January 29, 2018
    Cole Adams, had an impeccable Revolutionary lineage, and was a surgeon in the 54th Massachusetts. He had not been in his home state since Fort Sumpter, and right now he saw no possibility of him seeing his home in the foreseeable future either. "These damn seceshers don't know when they are licke...
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  • Asset 5
    New Orleans, 1862
    January 28, 2018
    The heavily laden riverboat lazily picked a path through a bevy of Union warships, while two hundred yards away the main body of the fleet laid anchored midstream, apart from the city and its sometimes hostile inhabitants. A brownish haze hung over the city and the humid air pressed the swelterin...
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  • Asset 5
    January 28, 2018
    "Aye laddie and the finest ale for miles it be. Not that I'm want to brag a course but fact be fact." Finn winked cheerfully and grinned, it was obvious he was prideful of his spirits. I grinned in response to the dwarf's, eyes twinkling merrily the entire time. And as the stout Man moved…
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  • About Faeries…
    January 27, 2018
    Naiad stood no higher than an average person’s index finger. She had flowing blonde hair that always seemed to be caught within an errant breeze, even on a still and sultry day, with eyes the color of amethysts that continually sparkled. She wore skimpy clothing, but enough to cover a tiny frame ...
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