Mom to Lexi and Naya
Politics nerd, conservative, as red as they come!
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Lover of art, scrapbooking/memory keeping, creativity

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Theme of the Week: What is going on around you right now

June 19, 2019
Humid air hanging over everything, making the papers on my desk soggy and soft; worn out, beat up textbooks lined up like soldiers on the windowsill, having done their duty as weighing down backpacks; rows of empty desks facing me with the memories of profound and lighthearted interactions; fan c...
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Recent Entries

  • Asset 5
    Distraught, Defeated and Done
    June 4, 2018
    So I've ranted on and on here about the evils of my job. But wait, there's more. I am crying pretty much every day. I need this job to be able to pay our mortgage. Yet working here has me so beaten down and defeated I don't know how much more I can take. I…
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  • Hard Not to Give Up Hope
    April 17, 2018
    No bites. At anywhere I applied. And I try to stay hopeful. But it is getting hard. I am leaning on my faith, trusting in God that I'm where I'm supposed to be now and will be where I'm supposed to be whenever its time. But the sorrow and depression coming to a tense, hostile…
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  • Asset 5
    Weight Loss Surgery: NOT the easy way
    March 27, 2018
    I've always been overweight, starting from my teens (I'm 47). By 2014, though, I had gotten up to 350 pounds. I'm 5'4". I couldn't even walk down the hall without getting out of breath. I did not fit in anything besides our living room couch. I hated how I looked. Hated myself. But I could…
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  • Theme of the Week: Favorite Food
    March 15, 2018
    This is very simple and almost..well...redneck/white trash whatever you want to call it. My mom made it growing up and its still one of my favorites. I now make it for my kids and they LOVE it and request it for their birthdays. It's almost too simple, but soooo good. Fried chicken cutlets and Ri...
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  • Some Happy
    March 14, 2018
    To insert some happy, beauty, joy into this diary, here are the most recent pics of my girls. January trip to Hershey, PA Black history month and Chinese  New Year Celebrations at our church New Year's Eve They make it all worth it.
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  • Asset 5
    Why is this so_________up (fill in word of your choice)?
    March 13, 2018
    ...fill in the blank with an expletive of your choice. I am SO DONE with where I work. So.Done. This diary is my place to vent. My place to rant. My place to let the pressure out so I do not explode. At the end of this school year I am going to have ulcers,…
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  • A Beautiful Mess
    December 28, 2017
    What a boring pic. But to me, it's beautiful. A mess? Yes. But what it represents is bringing me to tears. A coloring book, a Lego set about to be built, a favorite stuffed animal, a science kit waiting to be explored is proof that we are all home together. That we are learning, growing,…
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  • Hello lovelies!
    December 4, 2017
    Well, look how big they got! Those who've been following me since I started here in 2004, before I even got married, probably have seen them on facebook, but still! Naya (on the left) is 4 and is in Pre-K. Lexi is 8 and is in 3rd grade. Art is now working as a truck…
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