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Agoraphobic quarantine

April 4, 2020
  You know I think the best part about being a severely depressed agoraphobic is that I've been quarantined for the last year, so this is all business as usual for me. Imagine living like this all the time. No friends in person, no job, just sitting at home and depending on the internet for&...
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  • Listen to Dimash – sos
    April 4, 2020
    I had a good day today. Nothing happened, it was totally uneventful and boring, but I didn't have any negative thoughts really.. and that's a win. Here's to a two day streak. Btw that song, sang by that man, is one of the best things I've ever heard and the translation is really interesting. Chec...
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  • Wed Apr 1
    April 1, 2020
    I feel like I'm going back and forth between days that I just want to end it all because it all seems so hopeless and wanting to try again.. I'm just so tired of struggling and digging myself a deeper hole every time and then failing like always. I'm so fucking alone.. I dont see…
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