Now a 40 something, wife, mother, nurse and friend living in Australia. I was a member here since ‘98.

Choosing to live a slow simple life in this modern context world. Sometimes I fail at it.

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June 26, 2024
Did I ever think that I would be 41 and back on the TTC ride? Nope never. Here I am. Things are very different this time, husband had a vasectomy 7 years ago, we had it reversed in late March this year. It’s failed, no sperm have returned, more than likely scarred over. That’s been…
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Recent Entries

  • Few more hours
    June 25, 2024
    I wonder how many sleepless nights I’ve had over the course of my 41 years? The nights where I’m so tired, I get into bed and my eyes close and off to sleep I go, but then I wake up only a few moments later, I get up, go to the toilet, have a small…
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  • What would you call it?
    June 25, 2024
    My whole life used to be here once, all of my dreams and hopes. I was a teenager, wide eyes, with a lust for everything. Now here I am, 41 with no more direction than those early days. I’m still just the scared and lonely girl who found this site in 1998. Who opened an…
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  • Has it really been 4 years?
    January 28, 2018
    Some how in the haze of life 4 years ago I never downloaded my diary. I was fine with it, I moved forward but that little voice deep inside was upset that I left my history into cyber space. My teenage years, my relationship with my ex, Callum’s birth story, ups and downs with my…
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  • I’m One!
    September 15, 2012
      I'm One!!   
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  • Lucky
    September 17, 2009
            Everyday I feel so lucky that I was able to have Callum. He really is the blessing in my life. But it doesn't mean that I don't crave to have another one.
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  • August Round Up! Part Two.
    September 6, 2009
      After Pink, that weekend, we headed down to Portland to take the car on a long trip to really run it in and open it up a bit. We both miss Portland so much, and heck feels like I am going down just about every weekend these days. After having some big talks over…
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  • The Joy Of Bread Making
    September 4, 2009
      I really can't think of any more forfilling as a woman then making my own bread. It is something that I have been saving to do for a while now, we don't eat that much bread we seem to eat more flat bread. I do have a soft spot for bread rolls with ham…
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  • August Round Up! Part One.
    September 2, 2009
      There always seems to be to much going on in my life, or nothing at all. All the bigger things seem to happen while Matt is at home, because I enjoy doing things with him and being a couple while Callum was Kinder. With this time of him coming home, it was the most…
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  • New Car
    August 19, 2009
        I got a new car :) Brand new off the showroom floor.
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