Spiritually awakened, separated after an 18 year abusive relationship (12 year marriage), in a relationship with the man of my dreams, mother to two amazing tiny humans (Adam - 11/16/2007, Grace - 10/07/2008).
I was a member here since 2000. I changed them a lot, last was AliciaC_85 I believe, MomAtHeart was another. I was raised by my grandparents, both passed in 2006.

Also, the FB OD group, I'm Alicia Colville. https://www.facebook.com/CatoriOnawa
Instagram is https://www.instagram.com/catorionawa
I welcome the friend requests and follows.

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RIP, Relationship, Mini-Pill?

March 23, 2018
Yesterday, my ex grandfather in law passed away.  18 years having him as my grandpa, it wasn't easy to see him go. :( Tom text me the day before saying he was in Hospice and not doing well.  Then text and sad the doctor had just called giving him until yesterday morning.  So, kids and…
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