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Chaos and Cupcakes

November 17, 2018
I've been meaning to write. No, really; I have!  I think about it often, especially late at night when the <insert mental struggle of choice> seems to be most debilitating. I try to blame the chaos of the bakery and, while it does tend to consume my life, I do admit that I could find…
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Recent Entries

  • Tuckered Out
    May 16, 2018
    I'm exhausted, y'all. Exhausted!! Wedding and graduation season is in full swing and it is keeping me on my toes!! I am so booked, it will be another month before I manage a day off. :( I actually refused orders Monday and Tuesday of this week in efforts to catch up on rest and housework,…
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  • Blind Justice
    May 16, 2018
    The moment the word guilty came from the foreman's mouth, time briefly ceased to exist. After a collective gasp, the room grew quiet .I could feel my eyes dialate; the room became brighter, clearer. I could hear the pounding of blood in my ears as my breaths became shallow and struggled. "But I d...
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  • Big Day Tomorrow
    May 7, 2018
    I'm gearing up for tomorrow!! Carb loading, protein avoiding; I need sleep tonight and caffeine tomorrow. I'm pumping iron and working on my warrior cry...because tomorrow is a huge bakery auction and I am in it to win it! Unfortunately my budget is, like, $95. I'm thinking I can get an espresso ...
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  • Cake Overload
    May 7, 2018
    I'm exhausted, y'all!! This has been one super crazy weekend and, with much despair, I am afraid to admit that the next two weekends will be even more chaotic. Wedding season, graduation season, regular orders, and keto mania. I might not make it to June 1st. I just couldn't get it together this ...
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  • Fingerless in Oklahoma
    May 2, 2018
    I tried cutting off my fingers today, y'all! Three of them...and at all different times, to be exact.  I tried to play it off like I needed them to be amputated and would probably require workers comp for the next two decades, but my boss is a real jerk.  She told me to suck it…
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  • Long Pause
    May 2, 2018
    I've considered Open Diary a lot these last few weeks. My fingers have hoovered over the keys as I internally debated whether or not I should come on in. It is a lot like knocking on a closed door when your mind is ridden with anxiety. "But do they want me here? What do I…
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  • Meddling in the Past
    February 6, 2018
    I have spent a bulk of my evening reading through some of my past entries. While the earliest entries are cringe worthy, the ones closer to the end contained a few singular entries that hit me right in the feels. I've realized that I will never be able to change certain aspects of myself and…
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  • The Afternoon Foodie
    February 5, 2018
    Unfortunately I have few tales of excitement to share today. Oklahomies (😂) were greeted with an overcast and bitterly cold day, and I think a vast majority of them opted to stay in hibernation mode. Well, after they bought out all of the milk and bread. I mean, predictions of ice! Oh my!! I try&...
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  • Liminality
    February 5, 2018
    The rituals of the pastry chef do not appreciate diversion. Boo. After a long, arduous weekend I actually had the opportunity to spend some time burritoed in the warm blankets of my bed. A sleeping cat gently snoring in my ear; soft whispers of breath that would lull me back to sleep until the al...
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