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June 12, 2020
I haven't posted in a while.  Its been a rough few months. Blah Blah COVID...but thats not it. During the insane garbage that has been going on I lost my dog Sparky. He was my 16 year old beagle. Some may say he is just a dog, they can F*** right off. He saved my…
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Recent Entries

  • Ugh
    January 20, 2020
    Been battling a major sinus infection. its not been good. but i found this great article for all us that are trying to drop weight or just get healthier
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  • Just stop!
    January 5, 2020
    I am so flipping annoyed by all the people telling me " you would lose all the weight you want if you try keto" or "look into Keto" keto this , keto that blah blah blah. Listen up, not everything works for everyone. End of story. I have been fat my entire life. I have…
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  • Support
    December 29, 2019
    I mentioned a support group in my last post. I have one on Facebook, it is private and hidden, anyone interested, shoot me a friend request on facebook and i can add you. Its Betsy Lynne Kreib, i joined a few already there and omg, everyone wants to sell you something! I just cant! So…
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  • ??
    December 26, 2019
    So want to make an accountability group on facebook. a support group, if you like. For people trying to lose weight, maintain weight, work out more, eat better. I have joined so many just to have people try to sell me crap. I just want a fun support group. Anyone want in? Literally have no…
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  • Done
    December 26, 2019
    I spent a quiet Christmas alone with my dog and cats. I did a lot of reflecting on the last few years. In the last few years I have gotten divorced, moved 3000 miles from home, went back to college, lost 168lbs, gained 50lbs, lost 10lbs, been in 2 toxic relationships that made me question…
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  • For Me
    December 26, 2019
    So I had a conversation with a co worker the today. The holidays are hard for me. I live in Oregon and my family is in New York. I never get to go home for holidays, I spend so many holidays alone. I had a bad week, honestly a bad month. I have not eaten…
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  • I am not perfect.
    December 2, 2019
    I am not perfect, never have been, never will be. I am trying to get rid of the guilt. The guilt i feel about not having a better relationship with my sisters and father, the guilt around my failed relationships, the guilt over my weight. That is a big one. If you have read my…
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  • Confessions of a food addict part 2
    November 30, 2019
    So back for some more! One thing I am learning with my therapist is that I need to identify my triggers for binge eating. After some reflection I came up with the following. Stress- When I am stressed I go for food. Every time. Boredom- This is a big one for me. If I am…
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  • How Picky am I?
    November 27, 2019
    Saw this on another users post. Figure why not? How picky are you? This should be fun! Green Tea – love it Miracle Whip – nope Pickles- yup Cilantro – yup Black Jelly Beans – No Pineapple Pizza – ewww Sardines – No Crab – yup Oysters  nope Sushi – please! Yes! Candy Corn –…
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