36. Married. Geek. Gamer. Unstructured. Overweight. Trying her best.

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December 10, 2021
Yesterday wasn't a good day. I don't know what the difference was, but it just... it wasn't the greatest and by the end it was just... I was totally ready to end it. I don't remember a good part of it, that's kind of scary too. I did my writing and the like, and realizing…
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  • Day Three – Sleepy
    December 8, 2021
    Yesterday didn't go as well as the day before, sadly. I am proud to say that I did get some stuff done, but the timing was off. I made breakfast for Mom, Rider, and me, fixed lunch for Ipo and Court, fed the guins and then I realized I was exhausted. I fell asleep a…
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  • Day Two of Hopefully Many
    December 7, 2021
    It's the 7th. Which means that in almost exactly 2 weeks I'll be on my way to picking up Annie from the airport. The living room is slowly getting put back together -- Ipo's tools are leaving the common area and Court's manga boxes are gone. Now Mom and I just have to get the…
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  • Day One, or How Aio Attempted to Get Back in the Saddle
    December 6, 2021
    Today is a day for continued beginnings. I'm wondering if I'm hitting a manic point right now -- I've (re)started a few things that I had been doing earlier in my life in order to try to better myself -- Not only have I started writing on 750words.com, which I realize only now is something…
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