A rollercoaster ride

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On the job

February 1, 2024
Ok I don’t really know where to start….other than I HATE EVERYTHING. My WIFI on my phone is REALLY SLOW TODAY. Nothing seems to be going right. My mom asks me what’s wrong so I tell her….then she goes on to tell me about the people who traveled in the desert for 40 years because…
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Recent Entries

  • Current state
    January 30, 2024
    Money is the only reason I’m working at my job. How does that make you feel Father? Probably makes You feel like I’m only holding myself from the many blessings that I could experience at the school. Ok so what experiences could I possibly be missing out on? There’s an Asian girl who seems friend...
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  • After I smoked…
    January 29, 2024
    After I smoked I got the worst headache on Saturday. I felt like I was dying. I had no idea why that happened. The next day I listened to church about having endurance(I needed to hear that). Then I listened to a tarot card reader that exclaimed to not get defeated. Afterwards, a new guy…
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  • Smoked
    January 27, 2024
    That didn’t last long. I smoked after writing my last journal entry. I was thinking about going to the gym and was heading to Walmart when I saw two guys on the street. I asked them for a plug. They hopped in my car and we got some. And then I dropped them off and…
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  • Day 3
    January 27, 2024
    I don’t know exactly where to start. Last time I spoke to you guys was in December. I was trying to quit smoking weed then but couldn’t. I ended up writing an entry while high, and then my membership access got taken away. I must have said something foul and for that, I apologize. I…
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  • Relapse 1
    March 25, 2023
    I smoked in studio yesterday. I walked in studio with the producer who is married. The main producer I work with is married too. There I was, in studio, with two married men. But of course, I stay wearing baggy clothes and never remotely flirting. I always conduct myself in a classy manner. I mad...
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  • Bae Goalz
    March 24, 2023
    I woke up super early; I slept from midnight to 5am. I have too many thoughts swarming around in my head. I keep thinking about what restrictive Reginald said, “You think by pushing out content is going to get you somewhere but it’s not going to get you anywhere. The way you are going is…
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  • Lessons
    March 24, 2023
    I learned today that I talk way too much. It’s a terrible trait that any Gemini possess. If you are quiet long enough, you will know everything about a Gemini. But after today, I will forever change. I had a terrible headache all day. It could have been because I was filled with thoughts all…
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  • Asset 5
    March 23, 2023
    I slept from midnight to 7am. I had a dream that I was getting a pedicure and manicure with my mom and a rapper named Blueface. I don’t know this rapper personally, or have any knowledge of his music or even think he’s attractive. But there he was, in my dreams. All I remember is…
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  • Botox
    March 23, 2023
    Today I got Botox. I didn’t pay for it. Shervin did. It cost $98. The lady injecting me said that I needed much more. “You have crows feet on the side of your eyes and raise your eyebrows, honey …see you also have wrinkles on the forehead. Honey, my daughter is only 17 years old…
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