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Today is Better

October 14, 2023
It's been almost 3 months since the Parental Unit died. I still miss them very much but things are starting to get easier. I've been diving back into hobbies I'd forgotten and allowing myself to be excited about those hobbies. I've been camping a few times with plans on going more in the coming m...
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Recent Entries

  • Today
    August 13, 2023
    I'm still struggling with guilt, grief and everything else that comes with being a caregiver for a parent who has died. I'm in a different location than I normally would be. A few weeks ago right after the Parental Unit moved into assisted living I booked a small house just off the beach. When I&...
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  • Gone
    August 2, 2023
    About a month ago the Parental Unit just stopped doing everything. Stopped showering, forgot to take medication, forgot to eat, and just wasn’t getting out of bed at all. I had been coming over almost daily and then multiple times a day to get them up, showered, fed, and make sure medications wer...
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  • Missing Out
    June 18, 2023
    I watch a lot of YouTube and most of my YouTube consumption is travel vlogs by way of Overlanding. I'm blown away that people are able to make a living by traveling to all these wonderful places and documenting them all. I'm under no illusions that that type of lifestyle is not easy and what…
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  • Stuff and Things
    June 3, 2023
    I found a journaling app for iOS that I've been using recently called Day One. I found it in the comments section on Reddit. So far I've been using it daily and have an 18-day streak going! It's been nice to have something that's only for me to re-read or not to if I don't…
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  • How To Not Be Single
    May 29, 2023
    How does dating work now? I've been single for almost 12 years now and I think I'm tired of my own company. I just don't know how to "get back out there". All of my friends are married with kids and now grandkids and I'm *cough*mid-ish*cough* 40's with no idea what to do now. The…
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  • Turning Off
    May 29, 2023
    I wish I could just turn off the worry, turn off the anxiety, the depression. Just turn off all of it...According to some family members, that's what I should do. When I ask them how do I turn all that off, what's the step by step process to do that, I just get back blank…
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  • a bad few weeks
    May 20, 2023
    It's been a bad couple of weeks. I'm tired, I'm stressed and I'm overwhelmed. All the progress I made over the last 2 years losing weight, reversing my T2 diabetes, lowering my cholesterol, etc is gone. I'm almost back to the exact same spot according to the bloodwork I done yesterday. My house i...
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  • Out of Control
    April 30, 2023
    A while back I wrote about being diagnosed with Type II Diabetes and how I was going to do my best to get it under control and not have to be on medication for the rest of my life. Not only did I do that but I actually reversed my diabetes to the point that…
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  • Saturday. Yay.
    April 15, 2023
    I hate living for the weekends because every single time I’m disappointed by them. I can’t really go anywhere or do anything because of the Parental Unit and because I overly worry about them falling or something else bad happening. So much so that I end up doing the exact same thing *every* *sin...
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