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You Go Girl Friday!

September 8, 2023
WHAT A WEEEKKK!!! Monday morning I was knocked on my ass with anxiety about how big this week was going to be. 10am I was stuffing an Oat and Raisin cookie in my mouth, ugly crying to my supervisor that I don't know how I'm going to pull everything out the bag in 1 week…
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  • Heart meet plate…
    August 31, 2023
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  • Life is calm… too calm!
    August 23, 2023
    Back in the office again today, I enjoy the days i'm here as the background chatter of my colleagues makes working feel less lonely. Once today is done only 1 more day til the weekend and pay day! I'm not sure which one i'm excited for more. I can breathe now I have ordered my…
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  • Monday again!
    August 21, 2023
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  • It’s so close I can smell it!
    August 17, 2023
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  • Asset 5
    Let’s get it all out there!
    August 15, 2023
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