My childhood memory in New York

My parents decided to move to the states in 1971 ,,,I was 6 and grew up on a beautiful island in Croatia. My father was a musician (sill is) and we moved to Queens ….I have a vivid memory of our apartment in Queens. I remember when we arrived at the airport and I came through the big doors into a world I knew nothing about. I asked my mom why we were here and then said I wanted to go home again. It took 6 weeks for me to master english. I remember sitting on the front steps after my mom almost forced me to find new friends. The kids came slowly up to me and started talking a language I didn’t understand. I was so sad and angry felt so out of  place…I then became braver and mastered it after only 6 weeks…I did not want my mom to follow me to school so the other kids would not hear her talking another language. This was my beginning of my new life in New York….

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