
Ok hear me out. I have been trying sooo hard to let go of this man or situationship I am in for over 10 months now. The guy is like not responding to me and I am so sad and just want to let him go. Then something came into my mind as I tried to fall asleep. My mom told me once that my dad chased her over 1 year before she gave up and married him BUT the rest of their marriage 59 years nor SHE has been the chaser. This same thing happened in my marriage. I chased my ex husband like at the start for about 1,5 year but he has chased me the rest of these years until he met his new wife but still called me anyway and wanted to ge back with me. Then I made him stop because it was wrong. The point of all this is when we turn our back to the runner they feel this and start running after you. The problem today is that I am aware of this before I was not. Thaughts?

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October 28, 2022

I 100% agree with your epiphany. Sometimes the best way for us to show somebody what they lost, is by actually being what they lost and not available to them anymore

October 28, 2022

@itguru this is spot on, I usually give people more chances then they deserve. I know this as fact-when you let it go they feel this and the energy game is on

October 28, 2022

The silent treatment is the worst form of brainfuck and abuse I have ever experienced

October 29, 2022

@hopelessromantic42 God yes I would never do this to anyone, but have had this in my life and its really abuse