yay dreams!

Ok the first one I remember having was one where me and Myself, Robin, Joey and Joe were all in it.  We had to get to Canada for our debut performance at a talent show up there and the fastest way for us to get up there would be to fly ourselves.  We decided to construct some self powered flying gliders, and so to do that, we met up with the cheeky bastard who invented hang gliders, only it was like a sepia tone flashback when we went to his place.  He plunks down this pair of metal wings with a harness on it and says, "I made this!  It’s a hang glider!"  And I said to him "Yeah, we’re going to make them fly on their own.  What else do you have?"

So he starts showing us around his shop and he’s got all kinds of shit, like a futuristic model of Kit (the car from Night Rider) that has all sorts of automatic and electronic features (kind of like the new batmobile) and they said it got rejected form the show because it was much too easy to drive.  It almost drove itself.  I got to test drive it.  He also had the final version of Kit that was the black Firebird, and it kinda looked old compared to the cool one he wanted to use.  But anyway, he helped us get some parts for our planes and we built them with folding wings.

We strapped them on and put cameras on our helmets and we started to fly north to Ontario.  Of course we didn’t have to pay the border tax because we couldn’t see the border marked clearly enough so we just flew on through to the place where we had our play audition.  It tooks us a while to get ready because I think we were ninja turtles and we had to paint ourselves green.  I was Michalangelo.  We got out on stage, something happened, and I can’t remember very clearly but suddenly I was travelling somewhere and I had some Mexican housekeepers taking care of things back home and every week they’d send me ingredients for some sort of cassarole, and when I got back I gave them what I had left over.

Unfortunately I was living in some sort of barn and a group of about 12 gypsies had moved in and one of them kept disappearing.  I went of a trip to look for him, riding my little vespa that got about 90 miles per gallon and I drove all over (I particularly remember Salt Lake City) and when I got back I found a huge launch pad platform device with 2 massive thermonuclear warheads set to launch on it.  I went inside my barn house and tried to ask the gypses what was going on but they only spoke Romanian so I had to cast a tongues spell so I could understand and talk to them.

They said the guy who had been sneaking off was their leader and that he was building some bombs to destroy the world, and I decided that I needed to stop him, so I went up inside one of the bombs and it was like a rediculous maze of tunnels with doors that led to nowhere and crawl spaces that led in circles.  Come to think it was kind of similar to this rat in a maze game that Cait had played a couple days ago, combined with Space Quest.  But eventually I got to the top level and found him and defeated him.

When I got back home, all the gypsies were gone and Cait had become a futanari, which if you don’t know what that is it’s when a girl has both a vagina and a functioning penis.  Anyway I ended up sucking her off before I woke up.

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August 4, 2008

wow. interesting dream there.

Ahaha! I always thought the world would be awesome if we all had penises AND vaginas.