Tommy Boy… rated G

So we talked with Dwan and Josh and Dwan got new shoes form Academy that looked like white aqua socks to me.  oh!  Josh and Dwan have the coolest cats too.  Betsy Ross and Rosa Parks.  Two famous ladies.  two awesome cats.  Betsy Ross would stand up on her hind legs like a prarie dog and just stand there.  Then once she was walking aroudn on her back legs.  Like Igor.  It was awesome.  Next trip we’re bringing a video camera.  I wore my black pork pie hat I got at Mr. G’s fashion in our trip to Nac that other time that I wrote about, and I took it off and Joe picked up a little pillow from the couch and put the hat on the pillow and it looked like a detective tater tot.  Dwan was cracking up.  Hell, we all were.  It was just that funny.  We talked for hours and played music for Dwan, who then decided she wanted us to stay forever, and Joe should call and say he’s moving and I should call home and say "hi!  I quit!"  and then move in to make music.  For evah evah.  Well after things wound down, I made a special matress out of sofa cushions, Joe made a fort out of sofa cushions… I swear the guy has to have something on top of him in order for him to fall asleep.  like a cat.  or me.  or a pile of sleeping bags.  or many pillows.  Joey conked out on the other couch.

In the mornin, I awoke to pigs in a blanket.  I ate them and I’ll burn for it, but damn they’re good.  And I had Louisiana fresh orange juice.  Breakfast of Champions, I tell you.  The piggies got Joe to wake up.  I took a shower and got squeeky.  then I brushed my teeth.  We all talked a little longer and had some fun, we thanked Josh and decided we should come back in the winter and play a tour of Louisiana.  We packed up and headed out with Joey driving again, and managed to find our way back to I-10 with minimal problems, we saw mannish women on billboards, a kid with a mullet, and headed back toawrds Lake Charles.  THEN WE SAW THE BEAR CROSSING SIGN AGAIN.  I WANTED TO STEAL IT.  JOE SAW IT THIS TIME.  We got to Lake Charles again and made it safely to exit 20 and when we tried to find Cajun Charlies, all we saw was a huge graveyard…. and then we went behind the graveyard and there it was.  and we were safe.  Lunch time.

We saw a handy sign reminding us kindly to not throw cigarette butts on carpet as that may cause a fire.  Cajuns are retarded though.  They need to be reminded of this.  Inside we all immediately headed to the bathroom.  Joey made some comment abotu the little mats on the floor and I laughed and say "heeeyy pee pee mats!" and Joey cracked up.  We got a table, and we all ordered the cajun buffet.  I got hushpuppies, cajun rice, fried shrimps, A-2-fay, roast beef in gravy sauce, crawdad potato soup, iced tea, cajun fries, and peach cobbler.  mmmm.  There was a big alligator in the corner, stuffed, and this mannish cajun waitress told us the story of how that was the first gator caught by the owner of the restaurant and it had yielded 500 pounds of meat and it was 17 feet from nose to tail, and then Joe said "what about that raccoon there?  How much meat did he yield?"  I guessed it was about 10 pounds of meat and he/she just laughed.

Then there was the lady!  every time somethign in the buffet was runnign low she’d shout it into a hole in the wall, and then the hole in the wall would soon produce a pan of whatever it was she said.  She kept saying "Banana puddin."  and it was fucking hilarious.  Then she said a whole string of things in a cajun accent that I couldn’t understand and ended with catfish.  It was great.  We decided the next trip we also needed to bring a voice recorder so we could capture phrases like "banana puddin" and put them in a song.  The hushpuppies there are freaking amazing.  I LOVE them and I might marry them.  but maybe not.  We paid and admired the monkey plushies in the gift shop in the way out, and then we hopped back inthe car and drove on.  Lumpy roads galore.  oh and durng the daylight hours it kept starting to rain, until we’d put our wipers off, and then suddenly it would stop and the sun would come out.  Then it would just start up again.

We stopped off at a rest stop to change drivers, and to get the blood flow going to our asses again.  Joey seemed to fix the floppy dangerous Tommy Boy hood with a mighty gaijin smash and Joe finally got in the driver’s seat.  Oh!  and the beaver!  In Louisiana, Joey suddenly saw this giant picture of a beaver in a ball cap, and the sign said 278 miles.  like nothing else.  That, by our estimates put this place at about 100 miles past Houston.  We wondered what int he world could possibly be out there 100 miles past Houston that could possibly have anythign to do with a beaver in a ball cap.  for the longest time , Joey was the only one who would see this magical beaver.  Then after the Bear Crossing sign we saw it too!  A giant fuckin beaver in a baseball cap.  I have no clue.  I guess we’ll never know.  As we passed through Houston we saw a gaint pileup of at least 5 cars in the opposite lane and we were like… sucks to be them!  The road was totally blocked up.  People were in line just playing hackey sack outside thier cars.  They were stuck there for a while to say the least.  Again we managed to get through Houston unscathed.  Joey almost ended up on Sam Houston Toll Road though.  thank goodness we escaped.  The rest of the trip was rather un eventful, listening to loud, energetic music like Incubus and Dredge.  When we got back we watched Battlestar Galactica and chilled for a while.  That was basicly the trip though.  it was awesome fun.  see ya later people!

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August 23, 2005

I love cats and banna pudding…hehee. Those are cool names for cats, I should be that creative next time.