this is what I did about the previous entry

Dear Mr. Lamar Smith,

There is the link to a Washington Post article to which I am referring in this letter.  I have one thing to ask of Alberto Gonzales and I was hoping you, as my representative in Congress might be able to bring it to him.  Three simple words: "Are you crazy?"  I fail to see the merit in such a maneuver on the Government’s part at this time.  Especially the federal government.  Local and state governments IF ANY should be the ones dealing with this issue.  I’m a little sickened that my tax dollars are being used to make "war" on a resource that hundreds of millions of people in the country alone utilize.
I am also concerned that such a high priority is being placed on such a frivilous issue when we could be focusing on civil rights, immigration concerns, diplomatic maneuvering in war-torn and unstable countries, global warming, drunk driving, or even the methamphetamine epademic that seems to be occuring.  All of these are far more important to Americans than whether or not a certain picture should be censored from the public.  As a musician, I am also very suspicious of censorship in any form, because I see it as an infringement on my right to free speech and artistic expression.  I see no difference in an expression of beauty and eroticism through either words or images.
In light of recent terrorist plots in the UK and India I think our 10 FBI agents or so would serve much better in helping their companions sift through the volumous intelligence information we are receiving rather than be paid to sit around on computers and pay site fees to sift through odd, degrading, or perverse pornogrophy in a sort of contest to see who can come up with the most shocking photos and simply to snuff out the site responsible or fine them into non-existance.
As a customer of pornography, I have come across many things which I found to be incredibly gross.  Rather than complain to anyone about it, I chose to IGNORE such things that might disturb or upset me in recognition that I am using a (somewhat) public medium.  Most all graphic images must be paid for to obtain, but such "fetish sites" often cannot properly advertise without some of their milder images to be shown in a public forum.
I find it rather unfortunate that some people such as Alberto Gonzales feel that the youth of America cannot possibly grow up to be moral people or good citizens if they accidently come into contact with pornographic material.  There is more than enough technology to institute parental control over the kinds of websites that children visit, and I think parents ought to be more directly involved in waht their kids do in the first place, ESPECIALLY if they would object to or be offended by pornography in any form.
Essentially, people need to lighten up.  We need to focus on death, destruction, and violence before we even touch the issue of pornography.  Also I think we need to clear up this censorship issue first as well.  I think someone in an elected seat of power needs to have a little talk with Mr. Gonzales and straighten out his priorities.

Just change the channel,
Sean Bailey Ellison

P.S. – I will be glad to see Mr. Lloyd Doggett representing me once again come election time.  Until then I hope you can talk some sense into some people on the Hill.

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August 13, 2006

Good letter! *pats you on the back*

August 13, 2006

“I see no difference in an expression of beauty and eroticism through either words or images.” Nice line. Good letter.

August 14, 2006

sean dood. i fucking LOVED this letter. it was so cool (if you know what i mean) and i think you just might! bye! love, sara

August 22, 2006

ryn: i feel so bad cuz i stopped reading my notes cuz my friends on myspace said they werent able to write notes on my diary. and i just happened 2 see that u wrote me 2 give u my opinion on ur diary. so sorry, was there an entry in particular?! xo